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关于”写自己爱豆“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write that you love beans。以下是关于写自己爱豆的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write that you love beans





2:写下你喜欢豆子,When I was young, I would listen to the radio and wait for my favorite songs. When they played, I would sing together, which made me smile. Those were such happy times.

Not long ago, I wanted to know where they had gone, but they came back, just like a long lost friend. All the songs I loved so much, every one of them, I still sparkled every God when they sang By the time he made her sad, they started singing so well that it really made me cry like yesterday Lang) looking at the past, the good times have made today seem very sad, so much changed. What I want to sing is the song of love.

They and I will remember every word. Those old melodies are still so beautiful for me, because they melt the passage of time. Every salara, every one of me still shines with every shining light, and they start to sing So well, all my best memories come back clearly to my memory, some of which even made me cry like yesterday.

Every woman still sparkles every dance step, so that they start singing so well, every salara, every woman still shines every step they start singing.


当我年轻的时候,我会听收音机等我最喜欢的歌,当他们播放我会一起唱,这让我微笑那些是如此的快乐时光,不久前我是如何想知道他们去了哪里,但他们又回来了,就像一个久违的朋友所有的歌我如此热爱每一首沙拉拉每一个我仍然闪耀着每一个神灵当他们唱到他让她伤心的部分时,他们开始唱得那么好,这真的会让我像昨天一样哭泣(shoobie do lang)看着过去的岁月是怎样的,曾经的美好时光让今天显得很悲伤,那么多改变了我要唱的是爱的歌他们和我会记住每一个词,那些古老的旋律对我来说仍然是那么美好,因为它们融化了岁月的流逝每一个沙拉拉每一个我仍然闪耀着每一个闪亮的光芒,他们开始唱得那么好所有我最好的记忆都清晰地回到我的记忆中,有些甚至可以让我像昨天一样哭泣每一个女人仍然闪耀着每一个舞步,以至于他们开始唱得很好每一个沙拉拉每一个女人仍然闪耀着他们开始歌唱的每一个舞步。


3:写自己爱豆,Self esteem is a kind of precious and fragile commodity. On the basis of it, we have established our own personality and character; our behavior originates from this; people with high self-esteem not only treat others sincerely and politely, but also treat themselves well; there is an English saying that "no one can love you before you love yourself";.




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