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关于”职业女性的优点“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Advantages of professional women。以下是关于职业女性的优点的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages of professional women

Professional women are generally considered to be a group of employees who are less efficient than men. Although in fact, this is just gender discrimination, which has existed for centuries, why, on the one hand, it is obvious that the traditional concept that the hostess works outside and the hostess undertakes the housework is a model of a harmonious family. On the other hand, when scientists point out in the literature, it is not It is true that all women are stronger than men, and because of different physical conditions, they have to work anyway, which is meaningless.

However, most women perform much better than men in terms of mental work, because women are so meticulous and patient in nature. Moreover, although so far, this kind of discrimination has changed a lot, but it still continues. Double standards, not only promotion, but also coming in.

Fortunately, more and more human beings are beginning to realize that this is indeed unfair. It is time to take effective and practical measures to let professional women enjoy their due rights, no matter how long the journey is.




2:职业妇女的优势,When people ask me what kind of work I want to do in the future, my answer is to be a teacher, which is my ideal job. I like to impart knowledge to the next generation and guide them to find their place in the world. More importantly, I can live near my home, so I can often go home to have dinner with them.

I don't want to work far away from home, parents Because money can't make up for the time we spend together. When I become a teacher, I will have a long vacation, and then I plan to travel around the world. The places I visit will bring me a lot of knowledge and broaden my vision.

I will show my students what I have learned and let them know more about the world. I must strive for my ideal career.




3:职业女性的优点,When students graduate from University, most of them are from the general point of view. A college student should do something related to their major. If not, what they have learned is wasted in my opinion.

Everyone has the right to choose what they want to do, regardless of other people's criticism Recently, it reported that a student who graduated from a first-class university worked as a delivery man. Many people sympathized with him because they thought that he should get a noble job, such as sitting in an office. Some people objected.

They thought that every job was equal. There were no rules for people to decide what kind of work they should do. I think we should respect young people Choosing what they do doesn't mean they have to use their expertise to get educated.

The point is to teach us to be better people, even if we choose to be farmers, we are different farmers because we have better skills and more courtesy.





标签: 英文 作文 真题 专业 职业

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