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Painting painting painting painting n V painting he drew a picture of me painting n v. He showed great talent in painting. The brush strokes in painting are loose and not illustrative: painting n V drawing process drawing drawing drawing drawing in drawing drawing an old Gladiator painting is carved on a rock, probably with nails.

BBC: there are hundreds of classic wonders of Rome today, and there are dozens of new wonders on Forbes' drawing board: after all, you know it's a shopping mall world, and I count on this money because I get it every month from national public radio Take allowance: audience's money question answer:.


绘画绘画绘画绘画n v绘画他画了一幅我画n v画的画。他在绘画中表现出了很强的天赋。绘画中的笔触是松散的,没有说明性的:绘画n v绘画绘画绘画过程拉丝绘画中的拉深一幅古老的角斗士画被刻在岩石上,很可能是用钉子刻在岩石上的BBC:罗马的经典奇观今天有几百个,在福布斯的画板上有几十个新的奇迹:毕竟你知道这是一个购物中心的世界,我指望这些钱是因为我每月都从国家公共电台领取津贴:听众的钱问题回答:。


Once completed, any good painting is not only good-looking, but also has a certain Sinicization. This meaning can be regarded as the spiritual value of art works. This spirit will be passed down from generation to generation with the presentation and public dissemination of the painting.

This spirit is the most valuable part of art. It can be the reflection of historical events and the representative of artists' thoughts. In many cases, the spirit of art is not as clear as painting itself, which leaves a considerable space for speculation and discussion for later generations.

The most typical example is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. It has always been about the type of Mona Lisa's smile, her social status and background, the spirit of smile and the artist's thoughts. Many people have been expressing their views for many years, but few people are aware of these issues, and the debate is still going on (by ztlhb) broadcasted representation idealodyconcentral.


一旦完成,任何一幅好的画,不仅好看,而且本身也有一定的中国化,这种意义可以看作是艺术作品的精神价值,这种精神会随着绘画的呈现和公开传播而代代相传,这种精神是艺术中最有价值的部分,它可以是历史事件的反映,也可以是艺术家思想的代表。在很多情况下,艺术的精神并不像绘画本身那么清晰,这给后世的人们留下了一个相当大的猜测和讨论的空间。最典型的例子是达芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》,它一直是关于蒙娜丽莎的微笑类型、她的社会地位和背景、微笑的精神以及艺术家的思想,许多人多年来一直在表达自己的观点,但很少有人意识到这些问题,争论仍在继续(由ZTLHB)Broardcastedrepresentation ideaolodyconcentric。


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