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关于”我所做的慈善事业“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:My charity。以下是关于我所做的慈善事业的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My charity

Making a choice between career and love is a very personal and personal decision. There are many factors that can affect your choice. Many people have found out how to achieve a healthy work life balance, let them have both career and love at the same time, and meet our needs in different but important ways.

A solid career gives us a sense of achievement and self-worth, except for paying bills Many of them will be rewarded by their own status in their own work and family, so if they have their own career and development, they will be able to develop their own value according to their own status Can't you? Or, when the happiest and healthiest people have managed to establish a balance between work and life, you don't want to make room for both in your life. Maybe not everyone should consider these factors. When you think about which is more important to you, your career may be more important when you are young.

Now many people pay attention to it Focus on career and family. The reason is that when you are young and have no burden, if you have lofty career aspirations when you are young, you will have the time and energy to devote yourself to your career. Once you get married and start a family, most of your time and energy may be the time to move towards these goals.




Life is short. Are you doing what you love to do? If not, why would I guess most people would use "I have a mortgage, a spouse and three children. In real life, people have a responsibility to make sacrifices.

You shouldn't be happy with your work, but you do it because you have to" with all due respect, they're wrong. You can take care of your responsibilities and be happy with your work. We spend a third of our time every day, one There are at least five days a week wasting time on things we don't like.

Why not spend that time on a few hours a week doing something you really love instead of something that doesn't make sense? I think one of the main reasons why people don't follow their passion is: fear of other people's reaction, fear of failure, fear of not being able to do it on their own. I think the first part is to make people realize that they can overcome their fear, that you sometimes fail, that others sometimes think you're crazy, but if you believe that you will eventually succeed, I know it's not easy that I'm going through right now But understand that there are other people out there who have experienced what you are going through and can help you. They have failed and been ridiculed.

On the other hand, they have proved very successfully that you can do what you love.




What did I do today? On Sunday, May 4th, after watching Sunday English on TV in the morning, I called Lihua and told her that we would go to see the movie hero together in the afternoon. We went to Mr. W, who is our head teacher.

He told me that my Chinese and mathematics had made some progress, but my English was lagging behind, especially my English composition, he suggested I read more and keep a diary every night. After dinner, my mother told me that reading the twenty fourth century would help me improve my writing. It was a good idea and I should follow her advice to live.




标签: 初三 作文 真题

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