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关于”爱的礼物经典“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Love gift classic。以下是关于爱的礼物经典的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Love gift classic

How do I love you? Let me count the depth, breadth and height of my love. What can my soul achieve when I can't feel the end of existence and the ideal Grace? I love you to the level of the quietest need every day, through the sunshine and candlelight I love you freely, just as people fight for rights I love you purely, when they no longer praise you, I love you with a passion, with my childhood faith, I love you with the love of my lost saints, I love you with my breath, smile, tears, if God chooses, I love you I'll only love you more when I die.


我是如何爱你让我数数我爱你的深度、广度和高度,当我感觉不到存在的终点和理想的恩典时,我的灵魂能达到什么程度?我爱你到每天最安静的需要的程度,借着阳光和烛光 我自由地爱你,就像人们争取权利一样 我纯粹爱你,当他们不再赞美你的时候,我爱你,用一种激情,用我童年的信念,我用我失去的圣徒的爱爱爱你,我用我一生的呼吸、微笑、眼泪爱你,如果上帝选择,我死后只会更爱你。


In the fresh spring, the messenger of the great king of love, in its ovary, all kinds of flowers are in full bloom, the flowers on the earth are in full bloom, the blooming flowers are in full bloom, walking towards my love, she lies there carelessly, but in her winter bow and arrow, she is not fully awake, telling her that the happy time will not calm down unless she puts him in front of her, Let her be ready to walk on the road of love among his lovely crew. Everyone who miss her will be attracted by the dew of his repentance. Therefore, sweet love, because it is the best, because no one can call back the lost time.




Today, I had a lesson about love. This story is about a man and his wife living a poor life, but when Christmas comes, they want to give each other gifts, men sell watches, wife cut hair, when they see what they do for each other, they feel very moved, this is the most precious gift, it is about love.




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