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(Academic resume) a review article by the Admissions Committee on the curriculum vitae. Comprehensive field of Education College and university degree. You know resumes vary by subject, from title to detail.

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According to cultural ethics, what happened in the past, that is, history, is our precious wealth. Only through the study of the past, can we obtain valuable experience and use it as a means to guide the development of our society. History is made up of past events, which is a great wealth.

Only through the in-depth study of the past, can human beings obtain valuable experience from history. As a means to guide the new development of society, historical experience can achieve satisfactory results. Students must always prepare and review the text, remember what they have learned, ideologically, if possible, expand their study, and so on.

Especially when the examination comes, all these efforts, no matter what their purpose is, will be rewarded accordingly What is the purpose.




Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, my topic today is academic integrity. Starting from academic integrity, integrity is a basic value of universities. Students, faculty and staff should express their candid opinions and other academic activities that are essential for continuous discussion and exchange of ideas.

Academic organizations cannot tolerate academic dishonesty, such as cheating and dishonesty It is stated that there are four basic values of academic groups: honesty, the pursuit of truth and knowledge, the need for intelligence and personal honesty in learning and teaching. Research and service trust academic institutions must create an atmosphere of mutual trust to promote the free exchange and fairness of ideas. All interactions between students, teachers and managers should be based on clear standards, practices and procedures.

Learning is regarded as a participatory process. As a graduate student, academic integrity is particularly important when we serve others and society in the future. Therefore, how can we maintain academic integrity? First of all, we should strive to understand what is dishonesty and why it is wrong.

Then we should strive to master the academic laws and personal academic achievements. At the same time, we should appreciate the value of critical thinking, and take a positive attitude to study in the way of problem-solving, combine theory with practice, and strive for improvement We should form the habit of forming new ideas and new ways of seeing, understanding, expressing and communicating.





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