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关于”一篇最难忘的事“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The most unforgettable thing。以下是关于一篇最难忘的事的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most unforgettable thing

It was an unforgettable experience. Last week, my classmates and I played basketball on the school playground. I remember it was very hot, but you know, I like playing basketball very much, so they did.

We were all tired, so we rested under a big tree. Wow, it's cool there, and one of us said, "how about getting some drinks?" and the other said, "no, I have one." Oh, he brought a bottle of water and we shared it. I know it helps to share something with others.





Unforgettable things our life almost every day, there are a lot of things happen, some of which we may forget, some of which we may remember. One thing I will never forget is that my sister was born before she came to this world. I have imagined her appearance countless times.

Although I have guessed it many times, I still don't know that a new born child will be so small And wrinkles, but she was like an angel to see her, I felt my heart warm immediately, I couldn't forget the moment I saw her.




An unforgettable experience last week, my classmates and I played basketball on the school playground. I remember that day was very hot, but you know, I like playing basketball very much, so they play basketball. We were all tired, so we had a rest under a big tree.

Wow, it's cool there, and one of us said, "how about some drinks?" And the other one said, "no need, I have one." Oh, he brought a bottle of water and we shared it. I know it helps to share something with others|.




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