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关于”存钱的好处“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The benefits of saving money。以下是关于存钱的好处的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of saving money

The benefits of being famous: you can have fame, honor, wealth. You can have a lot of supporters / fans / followers. You will be respected by the public.

You will be an ideal example for everyone. The disadvantages of fame: you will lose your freedom, you will be followed by the paparazzi. It's just a small negative act.

You will be in the headlines the next day. You need to be a perfectionist. You will lose you A true friend, if you lose the sincerity between you and your friends, you will have to face great pressure.

You need to face obstacles and difficulties to become famous.




Everyone has to work to live, but a lot of people are very lucky, they make more money than they need now, how should they deal with the extra income, although it is a temptation, people spend all their money on what they want, I believe it is better to save at least part of the extra income for the future, and people give more money to themselves If they can save a lot of money to buy something more valuable than their money, the practice of saving helps people form the habit of setting goals and planning the future, so that they will have a better life Most people want to enjoy their money right away. No one wants to wait for what they want. But if we learn to save money, we can gain more advantages in the future.

We will live a safer and happier life. We will also be able to buy what we really want but can't afford now.




Let's take a look at these two seemingly reasonable consumer behavior theories: one is the "peaceful era", the other is the "arrogant manufacturing type" and "arrogant manufacturing type". That is, when the situation gets better, we will become overconfident and start to spend money recklessly. When the situation becomes difficult, we will shrink the risk aversion into a shell.

The theory of "be alert to the peace era" is that in the prosperous period, we will be overconfident and start spending money recklessly During the recession, in order to maintain their living standards, they will adopt "arrogant and self righteous" consumption behavior, which will aggravate the economic recession. Sober and farsighted consumers who are "mainly vigilant at ordinary times" will help to change the prosperity and depression behavior smoothly.




标签: 英文 四年级 作文 万能 好处

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