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关于”真实的我“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The real me。以下是关于真实的我的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The real me

It's not a ghost, it's a real person. That's a real flower. The news is true.

I don't think you told me the whole truth about what happened. In fact, the cost is much higher than we expected. He really wanted to help.

His words gave us false news that he would lend us money, but he couldn't be wrong. It's wrong to lie to the teacher.






I like making friends very much, because I want to know more about some new things. Making friends can broaden my knowledge. But it's really difficult for a real friend to make a real friend.

He can say what he wants. He dares to point out my weakness and help me improve. Although the words are not good, it is good for me.

I want to be a real friend.




Hemingway in the calm sea, everyone is a pilot, but all the sunshine has no shadow, all the happiness without pain is not that life takes away a lot of happiness. This is a tangled yarn, bereavement and blessing one after another. Even death itself makes life more loving men closest to their reality in the sober moment of life In the shadow of sorrow and loss in life or career, it is not intelligence that tells us so much about character, not mind, not mind, not genius, but self-control, patience and discipline restricted by judgment.

I have always believed that a person who has begun to live a serious life in an era of extravagance and waste, I hope I can prove to the world that what human beings really need is to regret their mistakes until they don't repeat them. This is true repentance. Nothing noble is superior to others.

The real nobility lies in the superiority of yourself than the people before you*.




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