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关于”在家里做什么“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:What do you do at home。以下是关于在家里做什么的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What do you do at home

It's Friday. It's raining outside. My parents and I have to stay at home.

My father is reading the newspaper and my mother is watching TV. I want to surf the Internet, but it's not allowed. I don't want to do my homework.

But it's my responsibility. I'm writing a composition.




My parents are very strict with me. There are a lot of rules in my home that I have to get up early, and then I have to rest before school. I can't go out at night.

I have to do my homework after school. I can't watch TV at school night. I have to go to bed early on weekends.

I have to clean my room and wash clothes. But now you see, I am my parents who I should thank.




There are many rules at home. I should have dinner with my family before I can watch CCTV news for half an hour. After that, I have to do my family work until half an hour.

Moreover, I am not allowed to go out every night. I should not watch my favorite cartoon. I'm sorry, I can go shopping with my family, mom, but I can't play games with my classmates.

I'm sorry.




标签: 高一 作文 满分

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