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关于”成功之我见“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My opinion on success。以下是关于成功之我见的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My opinion on success

The world famous Spanish painter Picasso once said: my mother said to me, if you are a soldier, if you are a monk, you will become general s, you will become Pope, I am a painter, and become Picasso. This is an inspiring quotation from the artist, it shows the importance of foresight, foresight is a person to pursue a solid dream, make him/ She can eventually achieve certain achievements. To succeed in a vision, she does not need to be a noble person.

As long as she overcomes her fear and learns to swim, as long as she adheres to the vision and fights to the end, he / she will surely succeed. If you look at Picasso's example, he or she is bound to succeed, rather than aiming at the dream of becoming a general or a pope. According to his vision, once the direction is set, he successfully becomes Picasso and strives to become a career, which guarantees that every effort is used and provides courage to overcome any obstacles.

Diligence means not only hard work but also intelligence, it requires Therefore, I think foresight and diligence are both important to success. The former is the driving force of success, and the latter is the process of success.




Today, I'm very happy to share with you my views on success. Success is what everyone aspires for. It's very simple to win a competition is to get a high score in an exam.

To make a new friend is a success. Now I stand here to give my speech. Somehow, it's also a person's success.

Success has become very complicated. Success is wealth, success and reputation Success is the success of high social status. I don't think success is the realization of people's hopes and ideals.

Nowadays, in modern society, many people are regarded as successful people. Their most obvious characteristics are wealth, status and luxurious life, which makes most people believe that success and all they have done are for this purpose. But the problem is, if we continue to pursue success, we all know that there will always be more money, higher status and better conditions in front of us, which will eventually give way Where will the things we are satisfied with finally appear? We must have an inner thing, that is, to realize people's hopes and ideals.

Different people have different views on success, because people's hopes and ideas are different. But I believe that everyone cherishes every success, because in the process of striving for success, we have obtained our body and soul When we are inspired by the most precious qualities of human beings, courage and sense of responsibility are the most precious assets. So now I am very proud.

I have the opportunity to stand here and speak to you. This is my success, because I challenge my hope. Everyone has his own success, as I explained, but I am sure that every success will bring a brighter future, So ladies and gentlemen, who believe in our hope, believe that every one of us in USCA can live a successful life.

I wish you success.




There is no universally accepted definition of success. A dictionary describes success as the achievement of certain goals that you or others set. For most people, success means realizing the potential of a particular individual.

Critics of success theory argue that benchmarking may not be challenging enough, so achievements will become hollow. Other people will measure success in a quantifiable way. If an individual can earn X amount of money, he can be a certified success.

Another parameter may be personal contribution to society. Many businessmen and sports people have said that peer recognition is the mark of success. Your peers can best understand the hardships you have experienced to reach the spiritual level you have reached.

Think success is just a state of mind.





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