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关于”与做菜方法有关“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:It has something to do with cooking methods。以下是关于与做菜方法有关的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:It has something to do with cooking methods

Do you like shopping online? Do you like to find a bargain or buy a good one? For you, eBay is a worldwide online market. It's a place to buy and sell almost anything, with more than a million members. EBay is more popular on the Internet than any other shopping site.

People buy millions of different things on eBay: from cars to electronics to musical instruments A member advertises a product on a website, and other members bid or bid. The highest bidder can buy the item, and then the seller sends it to the buyer to sell on eBay. It's easy to say that Mike Starks is the boss of a company that sells used computers.

He also said, "I make friends on eBay. I think it's a very friendly place, but Some people don't like it. I think the traditional way of shopping is better.

As a student, I don't want to see only their photos, but whether you like it or not, eBay will stay here. Now eBay users are in the United States, China and many other countries, and soon there will be people shopping on eBay.




I learn English like this. English is very important to all of us. Everyone wants to learn my English well.

How can I learn English first? I listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Second, I like to speak English with my classmates. Not only in class, but also in the playground.

Thirdly, I write a diary everyday to practice my written English, I also often read English newspapers or magazines to enrich my knowledge of English culture. Through 2 to 3 years of English learning, I can improve your English level. You may want to know how to further improve your English level when you speak.

Don't translate what you want to say from Chinese into English. If you do, you will be confused in some usages: ① you will think wait is one To improve your English, you need to practice your spoken English and think in English, that is to say, you should build up your sense of English language, seize any opportunity to speak English when you see a table, for example, let your brain Words in the sea tell you when you see a clock, so that you can easily learn and use freely. For example, you will be able to distinguish South Korea in the east of China, while Guangzhou likes the south of China, without serious consideration.

We are learning English as a foreign language. It is true that we can't learn it without any grammar rules. However, you can't Grammar rules come from the continuous use of language.

When speaking a word, you don't have to recite and use the rules. You can only improve your English level by opening your mouth and practicing. What if I make mistakes in speaking English? Don't worry.

You don't have to be afraid of making mistakes. Even if people speak their mother tongue, they may make all kinds of mistakes. In the process of practical learning, many mistakes will be erased.




He first cooked, chopped star anise, garlic, boiled vegetables, spicy, onion cut into sections, and then cut tomatoes, tomatoes, carrots into slices, adding flour layer and stirring constantly, so that both sides of the color, onion, halogen bag added to the soup for standby, a pot of salad oil and fragrant ginger garlic, squeeze the extracted juice until there is no blood, add a slightly dim soup to two After the steaming hot cooking, wash the water flat with your hands. Turn the beef noodles and pickles to a low heat until both sides are soft and greasy. Add the beef noodle soup, add the scallion in the pot, remove the bubble mud and rock sugar, and gradually add the hot lobster sauce to boil a pot of water.




标签: 雅思 高分 作文 方法

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