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关于”精神是什么有关“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:What is spirit about。以下是关于精神是什么有关的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What is spirit about

Everyone wants to be happy. What is happiness? I think happiness is how we feel in life. Compared with people in war, we are happy because we live.

Compared with those who are hungry, we are happy because we have enough food. Compared with the rich people, we are happy because we are poor enough to get rid of thieves. By contrast, we are famous for the fact that we are so poor that we can get rid of thieves Happiness is because we are not watched by others.

Happiness means that we love the world and the world loves us.




2:,Everyone has their own family. What is family? I don't think everyone knows that the word family has six letters. I think f means father a, m means mother, I mean I mean love, and Y is you.

So family is the abbreviation of mom and dad. I love you. Don't you realize that mom and Dad love us, we love mom and dad? It's a happy family.




3:精神是什么有关,Everyone needs a friend, because we are not the only one in the world who needs someone to talk about and share our happiness and sadness. Last night, I watched a movie. The protagonist friend asked him what a friend is.

He replied that a friend is a person who you can talk about your secret and share food. This is a child's opinion, and a friend is one we can Trust people, we do not have to hide ourselves, as long as we are who, when we encounter difficulties, we will be with them, we will think of them, they will come to help us.




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