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关于”整容优缺点“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery。以下是关于整容优缺点的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery

Now some young people like to live with their parents. Even if they have started to work, they are not willing to be independent. This is a bit unstable.

The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows: they believe that if their parents prepare meals and comfortable and clean rooms, they will be more convenient and time-saving, and their parents will give them reasonable and smart advice based on their experience and thinking mode in this field, and they will suffer relatively less setbacks. In addition, young people will certainly realize the sense of belonging, because with a warm home, they will feel lonely and homesick.




2:美容手术的利弊,Experts estimate that% of the people who do cosmetic surgery in Seoul are Chinese. With the development of science and technology, the risk and cost of cosmetic surgery can be reduced to the lowest. However, whether we should have cosmetic surgery is a controversial topic.

Some people agree that because of the advantages of cosmetic surgery, there are two main points to explain its advantages. First, cosmetic surgery is a means of gaining self-confidence and self-esteem. We must admit that beautiful people are more popular than ugly people.

Endimian always said that beautiful appearance can increase a person's chances in the job market and help to take care of plastic surgery that others think is unnecessary. First, because everyone will get older, and appearance beauty is temporary. What we should do is to improve our inner beauty.

Second, in my opinion, there will not be a beautiful person without brain in the company. The meaning of life is But cosmetic surgery is one's choice and has nothing to do with others.




3:整容优缺点,First of all, a person's beauty will fade with the passage of time, but one's inner beauty will always shine (beauty will fade with time, but one's inner beauty will always shine). Elizabeth K ü blerros also said (Elizabeth K ü blerros said) her friends always make fun of her little eyes, saying that she should sometimes open them Eye opening (her friends always make fun of her little eyes that she should sometimes make public their opinions (people who hold opposite opinions) finally, plastic surgery is harmful and dangerous to people's health and even life (finally: not to use proper words to describe cosmetic surgery, it's so and so and AO) life is priceless, (life is precious wealth / life is priceless)( In short, a beautiful face is just a shell) after all, beauty is superficial, which makes people more attractive and more attractive) beautiful appearance can not make people better, which is also due to our different feelings of beauty (beautiful appearance does not make people superior, it will also be subject to different judgments, better expressed in sentences).




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