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Elizabeth Bennet (Keira Knightley) and her sister Jane Bennett (rosamande Parker), Mary Bennet (darula Riley Kitty Bennet, Kelly Mulligan) and Lydia Bennet (GINA Malone) are sisters of the small landlord family. Mrs. Bennet's biggest goal in her life is to find the right man for her five daughters Fortunately, her second daughter, Elizabeth, always found reasons to refuse to marry her mother.

When Mrs. Bennet heard that a rich bachelor had rented a nearby manor to spend the summer with his distinguished friends, she was excited to decide that the suitor was coming soon. It was a blessing to her daughters that, as she had expected, the five sisters were monotonous The quiet life is accompanied by the arrival of rich Bachelor (Matthew mcfaden) and his friend gray.

After a beautiful love story full of pride and prejudice, healthy gray and rich Darcy meet the five golden flowers of the Bennett family in the town. Elizabeth (Keira Knightley) is the most diligent of the five sisters, and she is also a talent She never considered marriage before graduation. When she met the handsome, cynical gray and the clever businessman, Matthew mcfaden, her judgment began to be tested, because her rich son Darcy soon fell in love with beautiful Elizabeth.

After a short communication, Darcy bravely proposed to her regardless of the family and the gap between the rich and the poor. However, due to Elizabeth's misunderstanding and prejudice towards him, he was mercilessly rejected. The reason why Elizabeth misunderstood and prejudiced him is that Darcy, a rich man, often shows immortal arrogance, which disgusts the honest and kind Elizabeth.

Because Darcy's arrogance is actually the reflection of status differences, so as long as there is such arrogance, he and Elisabeth can not have the same ideas and feelings, nor can they have an ideal marriage After a period of time, Elizabeth gradually found and witnessed the qualitative change of Darcy's way of dealing with people. A series of behaviors, especially his arrogant attitude in the past, disappeared completely. Elizabeth's misunderstanding and prejudice towards him also gradually disappeared.

The happy marriage finally realized, and her sisters got the sweet life they wanted.




I read some parts of the novel when I was 13, but it was too thick for me to read patiently. Unfortunately, I haven't finished reading it until now, but fortunately, a few months ago, I saw a film directed by an American film studio, pride and preparatory. The plot is simple and pure, the beautiful song, the classical custom-made, the luxurious ball, the scene full of British customs, the beautiful and stubborn actress, all of which deeply moved me, actor Da of novo Mr.

Xi, a nobleman from the upper class of England, has a natural sense of superiority. He never belongs to his own lower class society. He despises everyone.

She neither likes their way of life nor their way of thinking. Elizabeth, the heroine in the novel, is a stubborn and intelligent country girl. She and any other conceited person are arrogant She hated the excitement of proud men, you know, there was a lot of conflict between them, but in the end, Darcy and Elizabeth, even the opposite young people, fell in love, which is very incredible.

In fact, we are always proud and think about something in our hearts, but it's not right. We only evaluate others according to their background or color People, we hide our hearts, we pretend, we persuade people for no reason, but why don't we ask ourselves: what do we feel, what we need in fact, what we hate, what we love, in fact, why don't we express our true feelings immediately, why not pursue the happiness we really want if we can overcome the barriers we set ourselves However, if we can express our true feelings and tell the people we want to tell loudly and clearly, if we can give up hurting and refuse those who hinder us from getting along well with others, if we can get along well with each other and treat each other sincerely, if that day really comes, love will also come.




Pride and Prejudice is a very classic romantic novel. It tells the story of a poor girl who meets a rich and handsome young man, but she misunderstands him and refuses his love. The girl realized that the young man was so considerate that he did a lot of things to help her family.

Finally, the girl and the man got married.




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