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关于”理想对人的重要性“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The importance of ideals to people。以下是关于理想对人的重要性的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of ideals to people

Everyone has his own dream, and I also have my own ideal. This ideal, like a destination, is waiting for you to go to this ideal. It is such a rush.

When you climb to think of some years, the ideal reaches our mood. I lie in bed and think that I want to be a writer. I write hundreds of articles that are praiseworthy, and write hundreds of vivid novels.

I will write children for children Let them get enlightenment from it, and grow from fairy tales to the effect of our country. At that time, I had become famous, and people everywhere were familiar with me. I and reporters kept standing by my side, and the loud crackling came from them.

They were all loud crackles. The first photo of the people.




As a minor, we should be very happy to have such an opportunity to learn legal knowledge. By studying law, we can enhance our legal consciousness and legal concept, know what is legal, what is illegal and what is crime. We should consciously perform the obligations stipulated by the law, restrict our own behavior with the law, forbid to do anything that is not done by law Some of the students who can grow up healthily in the study of law are a dime in gold, because some trivial things and eyeballs even begin to be really because of the small courtesy and superficiality of youth, lack of right and wrong ability, and are easily affected by bad style of work and impulse, especially when self-esteem is damaged or self-interest conflicts with other people's interests Therefore, in order to protect the healthy growth of young people, prevent and reduce crime, we need to carry out positive legal education for minors and guide them correctly.

Third, we should learn the law and protect their legitimate rights and interests. Students should enjoy the protection rights of life, health, law, reputation and personal freedom, the right to receive education and inheritance, and to protect them by law Own rights.




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标签: 中考 作文 真题 理想

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