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关于”与李白有关的酒“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Wine related to Li Bai。以下是关于与李白有关的酒的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wine related to Li Bai

Li Bai is a young lotus scholar and poet. His style is majestic and uninhibited, his imagination is rich, his language is natural and vivid, and his changeable harmony is changeable. He is good at painting, and folk songs are based on folk myths.

His unique and magnificent color has been active in the new peak of romantic poetry and "Li Bai" by Du Fu.




2:,In my hometown, there is a tradition that we went to a college this summer. We are going to hold a celebration. I'm going to high school, so my parents held a celebration party for me that day.

In August, they invited some of our close relatives to our house for a big dinner. It's a traditional celebration for family members rather than friends. Therefore, I don't invite any of my friends to dinner.

It's very expensive. It's the same as the dinner during the Festival dinner. They will ask me about my school And then they gave me some encouragement.

When dinner was near the end, they would give me some money for school expenses. They tended to support me to receive a better education. My parents would thank them for their contributions, and then they would enter the University celebration.




3:与李白有关的酒,At the top of the Libai mountain, a circle of clouds is spitting out from the sunlit incense burner peak, like a backflow stream. The sound of the waterfall is very loud. Its torrent rushes down from 3000 feet high, like a galaxy falling from the blue sky.

② looking at Lushan waterfall, the white and purple smoke rises from the top of the mountain. The peak looks like a censer. In the sunshine in the distance, I see the valley stretching in front of me, and the whole waterfall is hanging there.

The torrent goes down 3000 feet to the bottom of the valley. I think it must be the Milky way from the sky sprinkled on the earth.

③ "" quote "" exhale "" a circle of clouds "" wreaths "" four rows of trees "like a backward stream, the sound of waterfall is loud, loud and cloud [S]" sunshine is shining, incense burner, breath and flower are all around Circle, sprint, fall, three, thousand, feet, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, descend, descend, descend, descend, descend, descend, descend, descend "Down", "down", "down", "down", "down".




标签: 初三 英文 作文 满分

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