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关于”危害和同学的关系“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Harm the relationship with classmates。以下是关于危害和同学的关系的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Harm the relationship with classmates

In the best time of our life, we study diligently and diligently. Although we work very hard, we will not regret our graduation. Of course, we should not forget the selfless dedication of the teachers and the students.

There must have been some misunderstanding and friction with the students in a certain period of time. Even more friends who have no misunderstanding come to talk about this misunderstanding. High school friendship can be said to be the purest life During this period of time, the most beautiful friendship is people will never forget.

When we graduate, we can do something meaningful for our class. We can clean the class for the last time.




2:伤害同学关系,I think your partner is your friend. Friendships welcome each other's company and show their loyalty to each other. They usually have similar tastes.

They will share happy activities and often show interaction and introspection when they get along with friends. Friendship is just the value of trust. What you find in friendship is often the result of constant display of friends.




3:危害和同学的关系,I am a student, our students should have more freedom, just like friends, parents and teachers do not think we should play with bad students, but should not play with the opposite sex, because we are entering puberty, we are afraid of the people we love, and then affect the school. In fact, normal male and female communication may also be students. Therefore, parents and parents are very clear about it Some members of the opposite sex usually mind it, so maybe this kind of benefit shows you what true friendship is.




标签: 初三 英文 作文 万能 关系

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