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关于”写牛奶“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Write milk。以下是关于写牛奶的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write milk

A country girl and her milk jug a country girl was walking with a can of milk on her head. At this time, she fell into a kind of meditation: "the money I sell this milk can increase my egg stock to 300. These eggs, considering the things that may go bad and may be destroyed by pests, can produce at least 250 chickens.

Chickens can be transported when the price of poultry is always very high Go to the market so that in the new year, I can afford to buy a new dress. Let me think about it. Green is the best color of my skin color.

It should be green. I wear this dress to the market, where all the young men will strive to be a partner with me, but noe will refuse each of them and turn around contemptuously. "With this idea, she can't help but use the idea that flashed through her mind to be milcon's When the jar fell, all the happy moments she imagined disappeared.




2:,A glass of milk was the first day of the new term. I got up early and checked my wintcr homework before I went to school. When I was busy sorting books, my father came in with a glass of milk in his hand.

"Drink it up," the father said to me, "I'm too anxious. I don't know if the milk is hot. I take a sip and cry with the sound of broken glass.

"What's the matter?" Father anxiously asked: "you didn't tell me that the milk is so hot, I was scalded and blistered." "Oh, it's my fault. Are you ok?" My father turned to the kitchen and he was sure I didn't have a big deal. "There are still some in the kitchen.

I'll get them for you. I'll be back soon." I was very angry with my father and said, "I won't be scalded again." then I put everything I wanted in my bag and wanted to go to school without breakfast, but when I turned around, my father was pouring milk from one cup to another "Don't worry, skipping breakfast is harmful to your health," said the father, who repeatedly said, "don't worry. Skipping breakfast is harmful to your health." an apology smile came into my eyes.

How rude I was just now and how I regretted that I took the cup from my father's hand and kept drinking a cup. How good a father I am.




3:写牛奶,"A cup of milk, a powerful country" milk's significant role can not be ignored. Drinking a glass of milk every morning is of great benefit to the stomach. Because carbohydrates and milk, it is only the sweet taste of lactose as sucrose, so it has a regulatory effect.

It can promote gastric peristalsis and digestive gland stomach to drink a cup of milk freely, which can promote sleep, absorb nutrition for skin, and has high calcium content in milk Help, especially mg / g, people drink milk every day, can prevent senile osteoporosis, it really does not help. "//.




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