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An Illinois man left Chicago's snowball street for a holiday in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and planned to meet him there the next day. When he arrived at his hotel, he decided to send his wife an email because he couldn't find the paper he had written her e-mail address on.

He tried his best to type it out of his memory. Unfortunately, he One letter was missing, which was sent to the wife of an elderly missionary whose husband had just died the day before. When the grieving widow checked her email, she glanced at the monitor, screamed, and fell to the ground dead at the sound.

Her family rushed into the room and saw the letter screen: dearest wife, just ready for your arrival tomorrow. Your dear husband PS, it must be very hot here.





Once, he said in front of the students, "he has never forgotten the students' performance in a big test, as he said in an exam." The jar was placed on the table in front of him. He also took out a dozen fist sized stones and carefully put them into the jar one by one. When the jar was full and there were no more stones in it, he asked, "is this jar full?" Everyone in the class yelled, "yes," the time management expert replied, "really." he reached under the table and took out a bucket of gravel.

He poured some gravel into it and shook the bottle to get the pieces of gravel themselves into the space between the big stones. Then he asked again, "is this jar full?" At this time, the whole class was asking him "maybe not". One of them answered "very well".

He said that he reached under the table and took out a bucket of sand. He began to pour the sand into the jar. The sand flowed into all the spaces between the stone and the gravel.

He asked another question: "is this jar full?" "No The whole class yelled again, "OK." then he grabbed a can of water and began to pour it in until it was full. Then he looked at the class and asked, "what's the point of this illustration?" An enthusiastic student raised his hand and said, "the point is, no matter how full your schedule is, as long as you really try, you can always add more to it." "no," the speaker replied, "this is not the truth that this illustration teaches us. If you don't put big stones first, you'll never put them in.

What is your life with the people you love "Big stones" together, your education, your dream, a valuable career, teaching or guiding others, remember to put these big stones first, otherwise you will never put them in "--.





We had a winning season. Yesterday was our last game against the comets. Their pitcher, Matt Crenshaw, was a mean kid.

He never liked Larry, probably because he would never knock him out. Somehow, in the last inning of the ninth inning, when it was Matt's turn to pass the ball, we tied when it was our turn to hit the ball On the way to pitcher hill, he yelled at Larry from the bench, "why don't you go back to snow white? I heard his voice and jumped up to give Matt a punch. When Larry came out of the middle of us, he yelled and pushed me away from Matt.

I could fight for myself Matt looks like, but my friend held out his hand and said, let's play baseball. OK, I know you want your team to win, and it must be hard to throw the ball to a shrimp like me. You mean you don't even swing a bat.

When Larry slowly puts down his outstretched hand, he steps on the mound. When it was Larry's turn to hit the ball, we were out twice, but the coach told Larry to wait. As usual, Larry took three more balls, and then he would go to the first, and then, for some reason, maybe because Matt told him chicken Larry to reach out and throw the next ball, which was not near his hitting area, but he waved the bat and we heard a loud noise and saw the ball fly from the field After they had to chase the ball, Larry's legs began to roll like locomotive wheels, and they ran faster and faster.

At the end of the second and third tracks, the comets finally recovered the ball and passed it to the catcher. Larry slipped safely to his feet when he received the ball. We won, the game was over, we got the championship trophy, we gave it to Larry, and we took turns putting him on our shoulders and moving on around the pitch.


我们有一个胜利的赛季,昨天是我们与彗星队的最后一场比赛,他们的投手马特·克伦肖是个小气的孩子,他从来都不喜欢拉里,可能是因为他永远不会把他打出局;不知怎的,我们在第九局的最后一局,当轮到马特传球时,我们在轮到我们击球的时候打成了平手在去投手丘的路上,他在板凳上对拉里吼道:“你为什么不回白雪公主那里去?我听到了他的声音,就跳起来,准备给马特一拳,当拉里从我们中间走出来时,他大叫着,把我从马特身边推开,我可以为自己而战 马特看起来,但我的朋友伸出手说,让我们打棒球吧,好吧,我知道你想让你的球队赢,而且要把球投给像我这样的小虾一定很难,你的意思是你甚至连挥棒都没有,当拉里慢慢放下他伸出的手时,他就踏上了投手丘。轮到拉里击球时,我们有两次出局,但教练告诉拉里等着走,像往常一样,拉里又拿了三个球,然后他会走到第一个,然后,出于某种原因也许是因为马特叫他小鸡拉里伸手去投下一个球,球不在他击球区附近,但他挥动球棒,我们听到一声巨响,看到球从外场飞过,他们不得不追球,拉里的双腿开始像机车车轮一样翻腾,他们跑得越来越快,在第二和第三个赛道结束后,彗星队终于找回了球,并将球传给了接球手拉里在他接球时安全地滑到了他的脚下。我们取得了胜利,比赛结束了,我们拿到了冠军奖杯,我们把它交给了拉里,然后轮流把他放在我们的肩膀上,继续前进在球场周围。


标签: 五年级 作文 真题 年级

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