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关于”人类和动物的区别“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The difference between humans and animals。以下是关于人类和动物的区别的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The difference between humans and animals

Please quote us $175, third school, double 12, nd & quote University Graduate / hold Onomma (MS) computer rental / quote is very satisfied and always online. My boss and I get along very well in the computer course "& quot didn't pay too much (SIR) indented" & quot (free approach / nine double nine (39) 234 have / leave April 20-year-old lady, double three four have to do something that 999234 does not have, sincerely regards you on April 2 Today, I should rent a computer in the address bar, sir / for the last computer course, would you please contact the manager for me? The refrigerator on March 9 is broken Mr. wishes5 /, RD & quot & quot & quot & quot & quot & quot & quot & quot & quot; Mr.

wishes5 /, Mr. RD & quot & quot & quot & quot & quot; "& quot $a (175 dollars) to do something on March 2nd, Mr. Smith, 1987 / u your sincerity 6 / write with colon business, Mr.

gentleman's wife, dear sir, & quot / 1987" did not get & quot; ask three zero point English graduates "permission leave" Daily work ".


请报出一百七十五美元,第三学校,双倍一二,nd&QUOTE大学毕业生/hold ONOMMA(女士)电脑租赁/QUOTE非常满意,一直保持在线,我和我的老板在计算机课程上相处得很好“&quot没付太多钱(先生)缩进式”&quot(免费接近有/九个双九(三九)二三四有/离开xx月xx岁的女士,双三四要做一些九九九二三四没有的事情,真诚地问候你xx月xx日,我应该在地址栏里租一台电脑,先生/上一节电脑课程你能帮我联系一下经理吗,xx月“三九”冰箱坏了地址:AprilDear Sirrear pricesGentlemen(商务或商务英语函电)收件人:Better wishes5/,rd&quot&quot&quot先生“临时工作,第二夫人,“&quot$a(一百七十五美元)xx月xx日要做一些事,三二零一一一二,&quot”史密斯先生xx年/u您的真诚6/与Colonbusiness写绅士夫人先生亲爱的先生,&quot/一九八七”没有得到&quot,询问三位零分英语毕业生“许可假日工作”。


The difference between love and like in front of the person you love, your heart beats faster, but in front of the person you like, you will be happy; in front of the person you love, winter seems like spring, but in front of the person you like, winter is just a beautiful winter if you look at the eyes of the person you love, you will blush, but if you look into the eyes of the person you like, you will smile; if you look into the eyes of the person you like, you will smile; if you look into the eyes of the person you like, you will smile In front of the person you love, you can't say everything in your heart, but in front of the person you like, you can be shy in front of the person you love, but in front of the person you like, you can show yourself; you can't look directly into the eyes of the person you love, but you can always smile to the eyes of the person you like. When the person you love cries, you cry with him But when the person you like cry, you will comfort him … the feeling of love starts from the eyes, and the feeling of like starts from the ears so if you no longer like a person you used to like, you just need to cover your eyes, but if you try to close your eyes, love will become a tear and stay in your heart forever.


爱与喜欢的区别 在你爱的人面前,你的心跳加快,但在你喜欢的人面前,你会快乐;在你爱的人面前,冬天似乎像春天,但是在你喜欢的人面前,冬天只是美丽的冬天 如果你看着你爱的人的眼睛,你会脸红,但是如果你看着你喜欢的人的眼睛,你会微笑;如果在你爱的人面前,你不能说出你心中的一切,但是在你喜欢的人面前,你可以在你爱的人面前,你会变得害羞,但是在你喜欢的人面前,你可以展示你自己;你不能直视对方的眼睛你爱,但你可以永远微笑面对你喜欢的人的眼睛‰当你爱的人哭的时候,你和他一起哭,但是当你喜欢的人哭的时候,你会安慰他…爱的感觉从眼睛开始,喜欢的感觉从耳朵开始 所以如果你不再喜欢一个你以前喜欢的人,你只需要遮住你的眼睛但如果你试着闭上眼睛,爱就会变成一滴泪,永远留在你的心里。


Pollution, now, has become a worldwide problem. Air, river and even soil may cause harm to animals and plants. This is an example of our daily life.

As the number of cars increases, we can only see cars on the road. Yes, it may be convenient for everyone, but the air can also be polluted. What's worse, it seems that people haven't realized that the wastewater discharged from factories can cause fish death, but managers may not have seen that, they think If the government no longer takes measures to prevent the environment from polluting, the most I hope is that the government can not only control the environment but also keep the environment clean Make your own contribution to this beautiful home, because everyone can see the smile of our common mother earth.




标签: 初一 英文 作文 万能 人类

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