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关于”正确的书信“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Correct letter。以下是关于正确的书信的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Correct letter

People around me are talking about their weight. They are always worried about their body shape. They show me how hard they are to fight their appetite.

When they want to eat, they just refuse what I think is delicious. People should not suppress their appetite. They need to eat the right way to lose weight when they are hungry, not to refuse food, on the contrary, People should eat, but can't eat too much.

If they are hungry, they will hurt their stomachs if they don't eat. In the long run, when they eat food, they will soon become fat. What's more, their bodies will become overgrown with weeds besides eating proper food.

People also need to exercise their bodies. They need to do regular exercise so as to keep healthy. The right way to lose weight can help people keep healthy.








The name, title, and full mailing address make up the internal address of the letter, and some may argue why there should be an internal address because it already appears on the envelope. The reason for the existence of internal addresses is partly a long-standing tradition and partly because, once the envelope is torn, the recipient often throws it away. Therefore, the letter itself must clearly state who the addressee is.

When writing a letter to a specific person, please make sure to use the appropriate polite address, including Mr, Mrs, Mr, MS, Mr, MS, Mr, MS, Mr, MS, MS, Mr, MS, etc. if you are not sure about a woman's marital status, simply use MS to distinguish married and unmarried women, feminist When we don't distinguish between married and single men, Ms appears throughout the text. When you write to someone whose name sounds neutral, you can use an abbreviated name to address a female recipient, for example, Ms Leslie R A common mistake that Higgins often finds among Chinese students is that they use polite address when addressing each other, such as Mr.

David (wrong) David Mr. White (right) Mr. White (right) if the recipient has an organizational title, (a) immediately after the person's name, (b) part on the first line, the rest on the second line, and (c) entirely on the second line, taking the most attractive arrangement and balance as an example: (a) Mr.

Paul Smith, manager of Smiths & Sons, West Street, New London, Connecticut (b) Linda Ms. cook, Dr. Robert Dixon, deputy director of public relations department, e Avenue, Seattle, Washington, DC (d) Gillian Johnson, associate dean of student activity area, Columbia University of technology, New York, DC (d) Gillian Johnson, export sales manager block and brown PLC horizons drive bough BN5 9kl Mr Mrs missms mm Leslie r Higgins a) b) C).



在写信给某个特定的人时,请务必使用适当的礼貌称呼,包括先生、夫人、先生、女士、先生、女士、先生、女士、先生、女士、先生、女士、先生、女士、先生、女士等,小姐,如果你不确定一个女人的婚姻状况,那就简单地用ms来区分已婚和未婚女性,女权主义者认为,当我们不区分已婚和单身男性时,ms会出现在整个文本中,当你写信给一个名字听起来中性的人时,你可以用缩写的名字来称呼女性收信人,例如,m leslie r higgins在中国学生中经常发现的一个常见错误是他们在称呼对方时使用礼貌称呼,例如:david先生(错误)david white先生(右)white先生(右)如果收件人有组织头衔,(a)紧跟在此人姓名后,(b)部分在第一行,其余部分在第二行,以及(c)完全在第二行,以最吸引人的安排和保持平衡为例:(a)paul smith先生,史密斯父子公司经理,新伦敦西大街,康涅狄格州(b)linda cook女士,华盛顿州西雅图市e大道公共关系部副主任(c)robert dixon博士,哥伦比亚理工大学纽约分校学生活动区副院长,dc(d)gillian johnson女士出口销售经理block and brown plc horizons drive bough bn5 9kl mr mrs missms mm leslie r higgins a)b)c)。


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