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关于”音乐对学生的影响“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The influence of music on Students。以下是关于音乐对学生的影响的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The influence of music on Students

As a college student, the use of the Internet has become one of the most controversial topics in society. I believe that the benefits of the Internet outweigh the harm it does to me. First of all, there are many advantages of using the Internet.

I can use my time to search for information on the Internet instead of going to different libraries. These materials can be traced back to decades ago. It is very helpful to use these materials as reference and historical proof in the library.

It is difficult to find so many "old" information. Another advantage of using the Internet is that I can stay at home in the Listen online. It's more convenient for me, because I can take classes in winter instead of spending two hours in the car, and I have to teach in person.

The Internet provides me with a better way to communicate with my friends and professors. I can get a reply from my professor in a few minutes, instead of waiting outside his door for hours. Some of my friends live abroad and I can do so whenever possible Send him an e-mail, you can get a message from him very quickly, which is more than waiting for a letter.

The mail will not be lost, and the letter may be lost in the process of delivery. However, there are also disadvantages in using the Internet. For example, I may spend too much time on the Internet to concentrate on my study, or I may be cheated because of the last online shopping.

There is a lot of information on the Internet, which is helpful and harmful. There may be too much temperature. I will ask for some harmful information.

I can be on the Internet even if the use of the Internet has positive and negative effects on me I still think the Internet is a symbol of technological development, and I believe I can use the Internet as long as I know how to control myself.





2:,As a college student, the use of the Internet has become one of the most controversial topics in society. I believe that the benefits of the Internet outweigh the harm it does to me. There are many advantages to using the Internet.

First of all, I can use my time to search for information on the Internet instead of going to different libraries. These materials can be traced back decades. It is very helpful to use these materials as reference and historical proof in the library.

It is difficult to find so many "old" information. Another advantage of using the Internet is that I can stay at home and listen to lectures online. It's more convenient for me, because I can take classes in winter instead of spending two hours in the car, and I have to teach in person.

The Internet provides me with a better way to communicate with my friends and professors. I can get a reply from my professor in a few minutes, instead of waiting outside his door for hours. Some of my friends live abroad and I can do so whenever possible Send him an e-mail, you can get a message from him soon, which is not lost than waiting for the letter, which may be lost in the process of delivery However, there are also disadvantages in using the Internet.

For example, I may spend too much time on the Internet to concentrate on my study, or I may be cheated because of the last online shopping. The Internet has a lot of information, which is helpful and harmful. There may be too much temperature.

I will access some harmful information on the Internet although the use of the Internet has a positive and negative impact on me, I still believe that the Internet is a symbol of technological development. I believe I can use the Internet as long as I know how to control myself.







3:音乐对学生的影响,Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone more and more people use mobile phone, it has advantages and disadvantages, advantages in hand, we can easily call friends, in case of emergency, we can call for help, mobile phone can also listen to music and text messages to others, it makes people's life more haggard, but it also has disadvantages, such as cheating in exams, when we play hands for a long time Machine, in my opinion, is not good for learning, we should use mobile phone reasonably, do not occupy too much time, should not affect our study.




标签: 高考 英文 作文 真题 音乐

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