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关于”危险运动的坏处“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Disadvantages of dangerous sports。以下是关于危险运动的坏处的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Disadvantages of dangerous sports

During an earthquake, the process of rapidly releasing energy from the earth's crust will produce a natural phenomenon, that is, during the period of seismic wave vibration, plates and plates collide with each other, resulting in dislocation and fracture in the plate edge and plate. The main reason for earthquake occurrence is that the location earthquake is called the focal point at the beginning of the earthquake, and the focal point is just above the ground, which is called the epicenter with the strongest destructive ground motion According to statistics, floods, toxic gas leakage, the spread of bacteria and radioactive substances may also cause secondary disasters such as tsunami, landslide, avalanche and ground fissures. According to statistics, more than one million earthquakes occur every year on the earth, and thousands of earthquakes occur every day Most of them are too small or too far away to make people feel that they can do serious harm to human beings.

About ten to twenty earthquakes can cause extremely serious earthquake disasters. There are about one or two earthquakes that people don't feel. We have to use seismographs to record earthquakes of different types and different intensities and distances.

There are thousands of earthquakes in the world The trend of day and night earthquake monitoring equipment at present, the technical level can not predict the arrival of earthquake. For a long time in the future, the earthquake is unpredictable. The so-called successful example of earthquake prediction is basically for the coincidence of earthquake.

What we should do is to improve the seismic level of buildings and do well in defense, not to predict earthquakes.




2:危险运动的弊端,Sports are good for us in many aspects (no doubt, in basketball, volleyball, football and other collective sports, exercise can enhance our physical strength. While participating in sports competitions, we will learn the importance of cooperation. We will try our best to win the game and stimulate our competitive spirit.

Sports can also help us relax after a period of tiredness 。 However, as the saying goes, "everything has two sides", and sports is no exception. If we are not careful when participating in sports activities, we may hurt other athletes or ourselves. Excessive or intense training will be harmful to our health.

I took part in sports and told me that sports can make us physically and mentally healthy. It is also a good way for people to understand each other and promote them The friendship between people, as long as we are careful enough, sports can only be good for us.




3:危险运动的坏处,When a natural disaster strikes, you usually have little time to organize yourself and ensure the safety of your family during this period. You need to think clearly and have certain procedures and plans so that you can work efficiently and quickly get into a safe situation. Here are some useful tips to help you make a list.

In case of any natural disaster in the future, please pay attention to it Check the local weather station and update the alarm system and alarm in time, so that when there is an emergency danger in a certain area, the National Meteorological Administration will issue information and alarm, so as to give the earliest warning of any situation that is about to happen. People can take preventive measures by keeping their knowledge of these situations. You will be able to keep abreast of the situation and reduce the chance of being caught by accidents.

Know where you're going - if you need to dodge and get to a safe environment, then you need to know exactly where you're going in a particular situation. It's important that your family knows about the plan, and if you're not together, you should know where to meet you. Make sure you include your pets in the evacuation plan, and that you have a plan for where they should go in the event of a disaster.

Get your house ready - it's important to make sure that you know where the main valves for all utilities are. It's important to turn off the gas master switch. In the event of a natural disaster, the power and water supplies in these areas will increase the risk, and in the event of a natural disaster, it will be safer to disconnect them.

Be sure to have enough time to prepare this information and make sure that everyone involved in the plan and those who live in your home know the details and participate in it, which makes evacuation and safety quick and efficient. Keep your phone fully charged and store the emergency phone number in the phone's memory so that you can always make calls. As long as you have a plan that everyone knows and participates in, organization is the key, which will limit any danger and chaos in the event of a natural disaster in your area.






标签: 四年级 作文 真题 坏处 年级

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