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关于”行为规划“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Behavior planning。以下是关于行为规划的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Behavior planning

There are many reasons why I decided to be a high school teacher after I graduated from university. First of all, when I was a little boy, I always dreamed of becoming a teacher. It was so charming for me.

I hope I can realize my dream. I like to be with middle school students very much. Most of the students in that age group are full of vigor and vitality I believe their enthusiasm will be passed on to me, and I will keep all the enthusiasm of adolescence.

The most important reason is that so far, the country needs a large number of teachers. In China, teachers are regarded as a hard and low-income job. However, if we do not have enough teachers, we will lack excellent scientists, managers, businessmen, soldiers, even workers and peasants in the future, How can our country become rich and strong? I hope my country will become better.

I am willing to be a teacher. I hope all people with ideals can devote themselves to this meaningful cause.




2:,The time of Richard Avis * twin5 Oseola McCarty, a laundryman, spent years washing and ironing people's clothes. She only got a few dollars at a time. Of course, no one would think that she was rich.

So when Miss McCarty decided to donate it to McCarty of the University of South Mississippi, they were surprised because she could save money to save time, such a large amount of money, because she lived a very simple life and he never had She didn't learn how to drive. When she wanted to go somewhere, she just walked. She never flew anywhere until she donated.

During the years when she left the south, the house she lived in was also the one left by her last uncle. She didn't start to travel around the country until she became famous in America. She was the subject of many interviews and articles, Even invited to the White House.

Her donation is for students who obviously need financial aid. She left school herself in sixth grade, never married or had children. She told reporters that the idea of helping other people's children go to college has given her a lot of help.


理查德·阿维斯*时代twin5Oseola McCarty是一个洗衣工,花了好几年时间给别人洗衣服和熨衣服,她每次只拿到几美元当然没人会认为她很有钱,所以当麦卡蒂小姐决定捐给南密西西比大学麦卡蒂时,他们都很惊讶,因为她可以省下钱来节省时间这么大的一笔钱,因为她过着非常简单的生活,他从来没有学过开车,当她想去某个地方的时候,她只是走着走她从来没有飞到任何地方,直到捐赠,在她离开南方的几年里,她所住的房子也是她最后一个叔叔离开的一个相当简陋的房子,直到她在美国出名后,她才开始在全国各地旅行,她是许多采访和文章的主题,甚至被邀请到白宫。她的捐款是为了那些显然需要经济援助的学生。她自己在xx年级时就离开了学校,从未结婚或有过孩子。



3:行为规划,A meaningful activity in order to improve the quality of students, our school has now started an activity called "building a civilized classroom and a harmonious campus". The topic is to get rid of bad habits and welcome civilization. Joozonecom's bad habits do exist.

Some students throw rabbis and plastic bags everywhere, or spit in public places with long hair. Others are even addicted to alcohol and tobacco. We ask students to get rid of these bad habits.

We urge students to put on school uniforms and be polite in activities. We will have photo exhibitions, competition decorations in classrooms and dormitories.




标签: 英文 六年级 作文 真题 年级

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