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关于”友情的重要性“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The importance of friendship。以下是关于友情的重要性的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of friendship

With the acceleration of economic globalization, many countries have strengthened international cooperation and liaison in the fields of industry, agriculture, trade and finance for common development. Many developed countries spare no effort to help poor countries through technical, medical and financial assistance. In my opinion, this is crucial to the development of the whole world society.

First of all, the technology development of developed countries After that, people's living standards in poor countries have been improved and poverty has been eliminated. In some underdeveloped countries such as Africa, a considerable number of people in Latin America and Asia have suffered from poverty, hunger and water shortage due to humanitarianism. The international assistance from developed countries has improved their living standards and helped them develop agriculture, industry and economy Second aid to underdeveloped countries, due to the limitations of natural and human resources, in turn benefits donors.

In order to reduce costs in developed countries, production costs rise sharply. Many countries transfer their production lines and production bases to developing countries, because this can reduce production costs As a win-win solution, international assistance meets the interests of both sides. Governments should take effective measures to make better use of International AIDS.

International AIDS assistance is the need of common prosperity of all mankind.




2:,Broadly speaking, friendship exists among all people, although some people may not know each other for a lifetime. If you are a farmer, you plant crops and provide food for others, then you are their friends. They will provide you with farm tools and advanced technology, so they are also your friends.

Your friendship makes your life possible and easy. Of course, the friendship between familiar people is also very important when we are in trouble. We want others to help us when we are upset.

We need other people to comfort and encourage us. Friendship makes life more meaningful and energetic. One of the important things about friendship is that it should be consistent and lasting.

We should be right Our friends are friendly, even if they are poor and out of luck. A friend in need is a true friend. True friendship should stand the test of time and difficulties.





3:友情的重要性,Now, with the popularity of English learning, more and more people realize that English is not our mother tongue, but it is very important for us. The reasons are as follows: English is the only international standard language, China has developed rapidly in recent years, as a unique way of communication, English is going global. English is a very important language.

We can say that English is the foundation of a strong country. Secondly, due to the development of society, there are more and more foreigners in China, especially in some big cities. There are many foreigners around us.

They may be our colleagues, classmates, neighbors, friends and even soul mates. Therefore, it is necessary for us ordinary people to understand English. How can we get along with them better and how can we make us Life is more colorful.

Above is just the tip of the iceberg of the importance of English. I can't list a word here. English is very important.





标签: 英文 五年级 作文 万能 友情

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