Dear mom and Dad, I haven't written to you for two weeks. I'm sorry I didn't write to you often, but I've been busy preparing for the final exam. You know, I'll be home on January 1st, but before that, I have to take the final exam of six courses I've taken this semester.
I've been in and out of the library to do term papers for a class After a lot of research, most professors have given review questions, so that students can prepare for the final exam. I think in addition to reviewing materials, I can also prepare for the final exam. I also plan to hold a new year's Party of my department.
You know, there are many talented people in my communication major, but they chose me to host the party. Good, soon I'm going to talk to you about loving you,.
2:,Pretending to be an actor in this project, you will act as an actor with a small group of classmates. You will pretend that someone has an accident. Don't forget to show your classmates: how the accident happened, what will happen next, everyone in your group will pretend to be a different person.
Can you be the victim? Did anyone see it.
3:父母老师给你的建议,My friend Furong had a fight with her parents yesterday because her parents didn't allow her to watch midnight movies. Their parents insisted that watching midnight movies would affect her sleep and health, but Furong said she had grown up and didn't need her parents to tell her what to do or not to do. DOI told Fleur that I fully understand her opposition to parental control.
Teenagers like us often disobey their parents, and in fact, watching midnight movies once does not cause serious health problems We should also understand that her parents stopped her from going to the movies out of their love for their children, and they tried to protect her from any potential dangers brought about by midnight movies, so I suggested to her that if she really wanted to go, she could certainly try to have a good talk with her parents and tell them that she would go with her friends, except to make sure she didn't go to the midnight movies often She can also leave her friend's phone number to her parents in case they can't get in touch with her.
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