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关于”以幸福话题“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Talk about happiness。以下是关于以幸福话题的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Talk about happiness

Happiness is just a state, it is not a perfect and eternal, but a kind of induction and resonance between soul and life, and the process of life is a kind of comfortable happiness, it is like the ear can listen to music, need the present happiness, often wearing a gray coat, wrapped in our warmth and warmth, similarly, when we shower, we don't want to let happiness full of vigor and vitality, it can pass Often quietly come, we should not try to tighten the tap, so that happiness quickly lost, happiness needs to quietly go to the bottom of my heart to experience happiness, in the peace of poverty to bring a piece of cake, a face of trouble has mutual affinity, Dad a rough touch, the wife handed a cup of hot tea happiness, happened around us every moment is silent, only our eyes We must have a grateful heart, learn to look for happiness, happiness, to have a keen mind, learn to look for happiness, happiness is to have a lively, optimistic, positive heart, in the harvest season, we are dancing, friends singing, rendering happiness, because Seeds have been the reward of sweat, so we have the right to immerse ourselves in happiness. When we get together, from the most remote corner of the earth, we do not hesitate to separate every minute now. It is like pure alcohol, burning into a light blue flame of happiness.

Let us raise our glasses and say: we are so happy, when can we wait for our elderly parents under our knees, even if he Our hair is gray, even if they are old, we have to say to ourselves: I am very happy, because they are still around us, so, when not all, we have to say to ourselves: I am very happy, because when we no longer enjoy health, we still smile and say: I am very happy, because I have a healthy heart, even our heart is not After the existence of the universe, we can still say something about the universe: I am very happy, because I finally understand that happiness is a feeling, a feeling, a possession, a treasure, and a happiness.




2:,Different people have different definitions of happiness from the dictionary. We can know that happiness is feeling or expressing happiness, satisfaction, satisfaction, etc. when we are busy or crazy to earn money, we gradually forget what happiness is.

We don't understand what happiness really feels like. Maybe you say I have money, so I am a happy person. Maybe you say I have friends, so I am a happy person Maybe you said that I did well in the exam today, so I am a happy person.

Maybe you said that I got a high salary, so I am a happy person. Many things can make you happy, but happiness lasts very short. If you get happiness, even if you are not happy now, you can share it with others.

You can also recall the happy feeling of living in this world and feel the truth It is not easy to be happy.




3:以幸福话题,The second reason is that money is the simplest. We can find more happiness anywhere. These two reasons are that we can get more money anywhere, and that's why we can get more happiness.

But happiness will never be the first time. But when you misunderstand the true meaning of happiness, you may not find it. Money only We can't survive without money, but we can't survive only with money.

So I'll say no to such a problem. Happiness can't be quantified or valuable. In fact, happiness is not a commodity.

Money can buy it.





标签: 四级 作文 万能 话题

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