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关于”用写香蕉“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Write bananas in English。以下是关于用写香蕉的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write bananas in English

Green banana my encounter with green banana started on a steep mountain road in Brazil. My old jeep was winding along. The radiator began to leak.

I stopped in the next village. When people gathered to watch three nice hot water gushing out of the radiator hole, it was easy to fix it. A man said that he sent a boy to buy some green bananas.

We exchanged greetings, and I thought it was stupid to ask questions when I was thinking about green bananas. So I commented on the beauty of the mountain. Do you see the tall one over there? My benefactor asked, pointing to a special high and thin black rock spire, which marks the center of the world.

I want to see if he is taking it Laughing at me, but his face was serious, and he looked at me carefully in turn to make sure I understood the meaning of what he said. This occasion required me to show my recognition of the world center. I repeated it, trying to express an interest.

If not, he nodded. At that moment, the boy came back with my green banana and cut the banana by himself In half, press the cut end on the radiator. The banana melts into glue on the hot metal, blocking the leak.

Everyone ridiculed me as a product of American higher education. I had never paid attention to the green banana on the mountain road. Its time and my needs met together.

This accidental encounter let me see the special talents of those people and the special potential of green bananas. I have been thinking that educators call this learning moment. Now I know that I have just experienced two of them ——It took a while to filter out the importance of the rock marks in the center of the world.

I initially doubted their claims. My grandfather knew that the center was located somewhere in New England, but gradually I realized that they had an effective belief, a universal concept, and I agreed with them that we tended to define the center as a special place Fang, where we know people, where things matter to us, where we have identity and meaning: family, school, town and place.





2:,Yogurt fruit salad ingredients: you like a variety of fruits and yogurt fruit salad is actually very simple, you want to dice the fruit skin, add yogurt, gently stir evenly, a plate of crystal clear, fragrant, sweet and delicious, nutritious yogurt fruit salad is made according to the ingredients and ingredients of fruit salad. If you want to add some color to the salad, you can also order it Add some yogurt, other colors such as red strawberry yogurt, but pay attention to the taste, do not cry, because it is the pursuit of solid color salad dressing, generally the most popular apples, pears and bananas, they all have one thing in common is that the meat is light yellow or white, only with ivory yogurt and other fruits.




3:用写香蕉,If you want to make a banana milkshake, let me tell you first, then peel three banana skins, chop up the bananas, put the banana ice cream into the blender, then pour the milk into the blender, turn on the blender in a few minutes, and you can drink your banana milkshake. I think it will be delicious. Do you agree.




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