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关于”王者荣耀“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Glory of Kings。以下是关于王者荣耀的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Glory of Kings

"King of glory" is a game development and operator run by Tencent on Android. MoBa mobile game on IOS platform was officially tested on Android and IOS platforms in November. The name of the game is "hero" and "Zhanwang track alliance" game, which is a dota hand-held game, and plays with competitive multiplayer players, 1V, 3V PVP and other means of war between 5v5 can also participate in the game mode of adventure mode through PVE, and can participate in the annual game qualification competition under certain conditions.


《荣耀之王》是由腾讯公司在Android上运行的一款游戏开发运营商,IOS平台上的MOBA手机游戏,于xx月在Android、IOS平台上正式公测,游戏名称是早期使用的《英雄》、《战王轨迹联盟》游戏是dota手机游戏,与竞技多人游戏玩家一起玩游戏,1V 3V 5V5之间的PVP等战争手段,也可以通过PVE参与冒险模式的游戏模式,在一定条件下可以参加年度游戏资格赛。


2:,The first blood, double kill, three kill, four kill, five kill, five kill, quick kill, fierce and unstoppable. It's like the legend that an enemy has been killed, you've been killed, you've killed an enemy, your turret has been destroyed, and it's been executed

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3:王者荣耀,I think that this day can no longer cover my eyes, go to the earth to bury my heart to understand all living beings. My heart will destroy the Buddha. If I become a Buddha, there is no magic in the world.

If I become a Buddhist, what is Wu Kong, the king of glory? The biological demon Wu is an empty sea, which makes it hang a poem, a bucket of wine, a song and a sword. I leave it to persuade people to call for desire, which is the whole A world like a fallen leaf is not a guide to the earth, which may have other meanings. The king God skillfully forged a token.

Red represents justice, yellow represents sanctions, blue represents restriction, and legal form. A perfect world. A conventional person only has endless rebirth.

The cold and cold German family is the only one who embodies the cunning evil of law. Areslub died in his calculation In the plot, friends were used to betray and temporarily make this ambitious biography think: justice, luxury, loyalty, beautiful lies, and the dead and weak but pursuing powerful Wen Hou Lu Bu is very intelligent. The world praises Wei Yin's armor made of bricks and stones into a dragon scale Phoenix.

A great scholar's style rose step by step. After the painting season, the fluorite autumn water was bright, and who dared to stand in the way and be good at it, The name is the name, and the name is very famous. The unknown beginning of heaven and earth, the mother of all things is always free to watch his famous masters through the ages, such as a wonderful night day.




标签: 中考 英文 高分 作文

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