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关于”这样的老师“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Such a teacher。以下是关于这样的老师的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Such a teacher

Every day is a physical struggle. It's extremely hot in summer and cold in winter. My back will burn because of bending down, lifting and lifting my feet.

After standing for a whole day, the skin around my fingernails will crack and bleed. When I work there, I feel refreshed, but day by day, I feel that I have worn very light. Every morning, I will wrap bandages on my fingers and put them on The old work boots, every night I would drag my body, emitting the smell of sweat and sawdust, lying on the bed.

One night, I felt I couldn't stand it. Why did I work here to die, just to survive, why can't I find a better job than this? Why do I have to go through all this now? I really don't want to get the answer, but God likes to surprise us As I struggled up the steps of my front door, I noticed that my three young children were waiting for me with a smile. "Dad, Dad," my daughter, yeladi, was smiling, holding her in her arms and hugging them.

For the first time in days, I laughed and sat down quietly, which was the answer I needed. In the end, I found a better job, but I never forget that the answer to my question may be that we work to live, but we live to love.




2:,Contentment is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in the world - Joseph Addison - if you want to know the value of money, borrow some Benjamin Franklin. If you want to succeed, you should take persistence as a good friend, experience as a reference, prudence as your brother, hope as your sentry Thomas Edison; sometimes, a man is in vain What you get costs the most - Albert Einstein; you have to believe in yourself, which is the secret of success - Charles Chaplin; those who are determined to win will never say "impossible"; Bonaparte Napoleon; "our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity - Richard Nixon - genius only means A lifetime of hard work - Mendeleyev - you can see in its advertisements the ideal of a country - Norman Douglas; the only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubt of today - Franklin Roosevelt's quirk before his ideas succeeded - Mark Twain, the most important thing in life is to have a great goal and be determined to achieve it It. ——John Wolfgang von Goethe if you doubt yourself, then you are indeed standing on the crumbling ground - Ibsen ideal is a beacon without ideal, no direction without reliable direction, no life in the world - Leo Tolstoy, don't give up your fantasy, when the fantasy disappears, you may still exist, but you have stopped living - mark· Twain, do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to achieve - William Shakespeare; a contented mind is the greatest happiness a man can enjoy in the world.









3:这样的老师,Reading a water meter in a strange place in town, I happened to find a house without a number. Then I noticed an old man planting flowers in the first house of that building. Excuse me, I said to him, are you number one? He laughed and replied that my wife thought it was.

Notice that the water meter and strange adjectives suddenly appear in the first question: where is the author? What is the author doing? What is the old man doing? Do the old man really understand what the author means?

① in a strange town.

② he is looking at the water meter.

③ he accidentally finds a house without a number.

④ he is gardening.

⑤ no, he doesn't.




标签: 中考 高分 作文 老师

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