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关于”假期的成“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Vacation success。以下是关于假期的成的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Vacation success

The defamation again and again made people believe that there were a lot of wars and small country alliances in China during the Warring States period. In this chaotic situation, in order to pursue common interests, the state of Wei and Zhao tried to sign an alliance treaty. As usual, the king of Wei gave his son as a hostage to the envoy of Zhao Gong, P á ng (P á ng) Before accompanying him to leave, Pang Cong asked the king a strange question: "if someone told you that there was a tiger in the street, would you believe it?" "no, I won't." the king replied, "if two people say that, do you believe it?" in this case, I will think twice before I act.

"The minister then replied," if all three people say the street Will you believe that there are tigers on it "Of course," said Pang Cong, "it's strange, isn't it?" Even if it is obvious that there are no tigers in the streets, you will believe that there are tigers, because now three people have said that we are going to live in the state of Zhao, which is farther from your Majesty's palace than from the street. I believe there will be a lot of rumors about me after I leave, so I hope your majesty can have a keen sense of hearing. Wang said, "I know you can rest assured.

I fully trust you. Don't worry about your leaving." Sure enough, his enemies spoke ill of him one after another in front of the king. They began to tell their stories.

The king ignored them. But after a while, when he heard enough rumors about the ministers, he began to suspect Pang Cong. When the prince and ministers were finally released as hostages, they returned to the state of Wei, and the king did not even call Pang Cong to the palace The idiom comes from "three Ren become a tiger".

This idiom also implies that gossip can be as fierce as a tiger.


一次又一次的诽谤,使人相信战国时期中国发生了大量的战争和小国联盟,在这种混乱的局面下,魏国和赵国为了追求共同利益,曾试图签订同盟条约照例,当时魏王要把他的儿子作为人质交给赵公使,庞聪(páng cōng是陪同他离开前,庞聪向国王提出了一个奇怪的问题:“如果有人告诉你街上有只老虎,你会相信吗”“不,我不会,”国王回答说“如果两个人这么说,你信不信“大臣又问了一句”在这种情况下,我会三思而后行,”大臣接着回答说,“如果三个人都说街上有老虎,你会相信吗?”“当然会,”于是庞聪说:“这很奇怪,不是吗?”,即使很明显街上没有老虎,你也会相信有老虎,因为现在有三个人这么说,我们要住在赵国,那里离陛下的宫殿比大街还远。我相信我走后会有很多关于我的传言,所以我希望陛下能有敏锐的“听觉”这一点,王说:“我知道你放心,我完全信任你,不用担心你走。”果然,他的敌人在国王面前一个接一个地说他的坏话,他们开始讲他们的故事,国王不理他们,但过了一会儿,当他听到了足够多的关于大臣的传言后,他开始怀疑庞聪,当王子和大臣最终被释放为人质时,他们回到魏国国王甚至都没有把庞聪召到皇宫里来,这个成语来自于“三仁成虎”这个成语也暗示了流言蜚语可以像老虎一样凶猛。


2:,The retailer said pre lit led snow paper sold so well last Christmas that John Lewis Lewis) said customers had contacted stores as early as June to ask when the paper would be available for this year's festival; retailers said people had moved from traditional trees to unusual, pine needle free ones. Many families now display two or more Christmas trees in different rooms of their homes and even outdoors, a spokesman said. We believe that the popularity of paper trees is due to the rise of multi tree families.

The paper tree is available in two heights, a 4-foot version and a 7-foot-high tree for pounds.


这家零售商说,去年圣诞节,Prelit LED雪纸销量非常好,以至于约翰·刘易斯(John Lewis)说,顾客早在xx月份就开始联系商店,询问今年的节日活动什么时候能买到这种纸;零售商说,人们已经从传统的树木转向了不寻常的、不含松针的一位发言人说:现在很多家庭在家里的不同房间甚至室外都会展示两棵或更多棵圣诞树。




3:假期的成,The protagonist "fire of fire" when a person wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night, what terrible words he hears! It's a big old wooden house, which is easy to burn. My room was on the top floor. I jumped out of bed, opened the door, and walked into the hallway.

It was full of smoke. I started to run. But as I was only half asleep, I didn't go to the stairs.

Instead, I walked in the opposite direction. The smoke became thicker and thicker. I could see the fire on the floor getting hotter and hotter under my bare feet.

I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window, but before I could reach it, one of my feet was caught by a soft thing. I fell down. What I fell down felt like a bundle of clothes.

I picked it up to protect my face from smoke and heat. Just then, the floor caved in under me, and I hit the floor below, surrounded by burning wood. I saw a burning door in front of me, covering my face with the bag of clothes.

My feet scalded me, but I made it through. When I reached the cold air outside, my bundle of clothes made a faint cry. I was surprised and almost dropped it.

Then I saw a group of people gathering in the street, and a woman in her pajamas and a borrowed men's coat saw me and screamed and ran madly. "My baby, my baby," she cried, and the crowd cheered wildly as she took the smoky package from my arms. I could hardly recognize her.

She was the mayor's wife. I saved her child. I was a hero..






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