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关于”介绍司母戊鼎“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Introduction to Si Muwu Ding。以下是关于介绍司母戊鼎的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to Si Muwu Ding

Air conditioner / / air conditioner is an air conditioner (air conditioner refers to the adjustment and control by manual means. The temperature, humidity, cleanliness, speed and other parameters of the air environment in the process of building / construction generally include the source of cold / heat source equipment, transmission and distribution system of cold and hot medium, terminal installation and other minor components and auxiliary equipment.




2:司马武定简介,One of the earliest Hebrew prophets of Judaea, who had a Bible named after him and was born in Tekoa, Judas. According to Amos, he was a shepherd. He went to the richer and stronger kingdom of Israel to preach his vision of divine destruction and the message of God's absolute sovereignty.

Both rich and poor need justice, and God's chosen people are bound by moral order. He predicted that the northern kingdom of Israel would be destroyed, and foresaw that the late prophets of the Old Testament would be forced to die The prophecy of fortune.




3:介绍司母戊鼎,Sima Qian (B.C. or B.C. - B.C.) is a great Sima Qian in the Han Dynasty.

He is known as the father of Chinese historiography because his works are highly praised. Shiji outlines the Chinese history of more than 2000 years from the Yellow Emperor to the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Sima Qian was later born in Longmen and grew up near Hancheng in Shaanxi Province His father Sima Qin.

Under the influence of his father, Sima Qian was already proficient in ancient books when he was

10 years old, and was a student of the famous Confucianists Kong an Guo and Dong Zhongshu at the age of

20. With the support of his father, Sima Qian embarked on a journey across the country, collecting useful first-hand historical materials for his main works, The purpose of this trip is to verify ancient rumors and legends, visit ancient monuments, including the tomb of the famous ancient sage Yu Shun. He has been to Shandong, Yunnan, Hebei, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan and other places http://enwikipediaorg/wiki/SimaQian.




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