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关于”有关回忆“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:About memories。以下是关于有关回忆的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About memories

Life, the thin lamp light again and again heartless, I heard the echo, from the valley and the heart open to the lonely soul, the sickle harvester completely repeated, but also repeated the happiness swaying in the desert. I believe that I placed in the beautiful summer flowers, the immortal fire devil ruled the heartbeat and heartbeat breathing to bear the heavy burden.




① ② Some people have a good memory and can easily recite a long poem. Some people can only remember something by repeating it repeatedly. Charles Dickens, a famous British writer, said that he could walk on any long street in London and tell you the name of every shop he passed by.

Many great people in the world have good memories. Good memories are helpful for learning Learning a foreign language everyone learns his language by recalling what he heard when he was a child. Some childlike boys and girls live abroad with their parents, and they learn two languages as easily as in school.

Learning a second language is not so easy because students have little time to learn it and they are busy with other subjects. A man's heart is like a camera, but it captures not only what we see, but also what we feel, hear, smell and taste when we take real pictures with the camera. There are a lot of things to do before the photos are finished.

We can show our friends in the same way that before we can keep a picture in our mind forever, we can also There is a lot of work to do. Memory is a diary that we carry with us, in which we keep what we have experienced, Charles Dickens ['tm: lz'dik + ns, for example.


① ②③④关于记忆有些人记忆力很好,很容易背下来很长的诗,有些人只有反复重复才能记住一些东西,英国著名作家,查尔斯·狄更斯说他可以走在伦敦的任何一条长街上,然后告诉你他经过的每一家商店的名称世界上许多伟人都有美好的记忆美好的记忆有助于学习外语每个人都是通过回忆自己小时候听到的东西来学习自己的语言的,有些孩子般的男孩和女孩和他们的父母住在国外,他们学习两种语言和在学校里一样容易。学习第二种语言并不那么容易,因为学生们很少有时间学习它,而且他们忙于其他科目。一个男人的心像一个照相机,但它拍下的不仅仅是我们看到的东西还有当我们用相机拍下真实照片时的感觉、听觉、嗅觉和味觉,在照片完成之前还有很多事情要做,我们可以用同样的方式向我们的朋友们展示,在我们能够将一张照片永远留在我们的脑海之前,还有很多工作要做。

记忆是我们随身携带的日记,我们在这本日记中保留了我们经历过的事情查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)['tM:lz'dik+ns例如。


(about memory) ① ② ③ ④ about memory, some people have a good memory, it is easy to memorize long poems, and some people can only remember them by repeating them repeatedly. Charles Dickens, a famous British writer, said that he could walk down any long street in London and tell you the name of every poem. Many great people in the world have good memories.

Good memories help to learn foreign languages. Everyone learns his own language by recalling what he heard when he was a child, and some are as easy to learn as children whose parents live abroad Learning a second language in two languages is not so easy because students have too little time to learn a second language and they are busy learning other subjects. A person's mind is like a camera, but it can not only capture what we see, but also what we feel, hear, smell and taste when we take real pictures with the camera.

There are a lot of things to do before taking pictures and be ready for us to show them to our friends in the same way. There is still a lot before we can keep a picture forever in our minds Work needs to be done. Memory is a diary that we carry with us.

We keep what we experience in the diary. Charles Dickens ['tm: lz'dik NSE, for example].



记忆是我们随身携带的日记,我们保存着我们在日记中所经历的事情查尔斯·狄更斯['tM:lz'dik nse例如。


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