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关于”现代最有意义的发明“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The most meaningful invention of modern times。以下是关于现代最有意义的发明的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most meaningful invention of modern times

On the second day of our high school entrance examination, when I went to the classroom, I saw a lot of students gathered together and were very interested. I went to see what clothes there were. A boy knelt on the ground with tears around his neck.

He tied a board, which said that his sister had been burned to what he needed. Money to cure his sister. Seeing this, I was very moved and took out all of them He bowed to me, and then many students donated money to him.

We all hope that our sister will get better when we are very excited that day. We not only do good things, but also learn how to make our life meaningful.




2:,This winter vacation, I went to Hong Kong, where I had a wonderful time full of curiosity and excitement. The first scene I saw was double decker buses. There were double decker buses everywhere.

Then I saw the professional aviation billboard that I think is the most representative of Hong Kong. Because its geographical location is very small, Hong Kong residents have come up with a unique advertising idea to solve this problem. The billboards on the buildings are practical and imaginative.

I also saw the sign of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). I guess many mainland officials are not very happy to come to Hong Kong because they can't enjoy the so-called priority and bureaucracy in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is one of the most legitimate cities in the world.

There are too many memories. It is really a wonderful journey in Hong Kong.





3:现代最有意义的发明,How to spend a meaningful weekend? For everyone, every second of college life should be fully utilized. Even though every weekend should be meaningful, it is disappointing that many college students waste their weekends on fools. More and more weekend time is occupied by playing computer games.

Some students not only sacrifice their weekends, but also sacrifice their own Homework, because they don't know what to do. My suggestion is that those who are full of energy and spirit should join various sports clubs. Those who like peaceful and quiet recreation should go to chess clubs, libraries, cinemas or museums.

This is also a good idea for college students. It is also a good idea for college students to find some part-time jobs off campus on weekends. Physical exercise and mental recreation will help to restore our spiritual process industry Spare work and volunteer service are valuable opportunities for students to practice their knowledge and gain social experience.

In short, a lazy youth is an age in need, so let's arrange a meaningful weekend here.




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