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关于”用于最重要“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:For the most important。以下是关于用于最重要的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:For the most important

In my life, the most important thing is to go to a Chinese Beijing, because there are the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tiananmen Square and other world-famous places. The place I want to go is the Forbidden City, because there are legendary rooms. I hope to go there in winter, because the winter is very cold, so there are few people.

Many stadiums are open in summer, and there are many people. This is my life Where I want to go most, I hope my dream comes true.




2:,As we all know, no one can succeed casually. Success comes from perseverance. Perseverance is a good quality.

Success is the foundation of success. Perseverance provides us with the opportunity to stand up on the road of failure. It is obvious to everyone that only through failure can we reach the other side of success.

However, in the face of failure, many people may choose to give up at this time. What makes people persevere in the end is perseverance. Let me take Edison as an example.

He invented the tungsten light bulb after many failures. His success is inextricably linked with his perseverance. As an old saying goes, perseverance is the most important feature of success People, more importantly, it can overcome any difficulties and help us realize our dreams.




3:用于最重要,My mother is the most important person to me. Maybe in other people's eyes, she is ordinary, but she is very special to me. She gave me life and happy life.

She participated in every stage of my life when I knew nothing about it. She helped me learn to stand up and walk. She cared about me and put everything in her face Before, she was a very important person in my life.




标签: 小学 英文 作文 真题

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