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关于”普遍式“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Universal formula。以下是关于普遍式的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Universal formula

Dear, I'm glad to hear from you, your letter. There are different opinions among people. Some people think that an old saying is about the experience of our ancestors.

However, even today, this saying is correct in many cases, which has brought a lot of harm to our daily life. First, second, what makes things worse is that people nowadays are very common to many people, because besides, everything has two sides, It's no exception. People have different views on things.

Some people say to them that human beings are facing an increasingly serious problem. It has become a hot topic for people, especially for young people. In our life today, heated debates are playing an increasingly important role.

It brings us a lot of benefits, but it also causes some serious problems. The numbers / numbers / statistics / percentages in / chart / bar graph / line / graphit can be seen. Although it is obvious, whyda.



它给我们带来了很多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题在/chart/bar graph/line/graphit中的数字/数字/统计信息/百分比可以看到,虽然很明显但是whyda。


2:通用公式,Heatstroke refers to the floor of symptomatic heatstroke under the long-term effects of high temperature and heat radiation, including disorder of body temperature regulation, water and electrolyte metabolism and nervous system function damage. If possible, you can take a rest in a cool place, untie your clothes, strengthen ventilation, and drink light salt water. If possible, you can wipe the exposed parts of the body with a wet towel, and replenish water in time.

You can recover after a few minutes' rest Let the patient lie prone in a cool place and punch the instrument, then the dead can be brought back to life.




3:普遍式,Reading and listening have opposite views on reading, and listening puts forward several refutation opinions to this view. First, the article supports, and the speaker questions, because second, the speech disagrees with her opinion in reading the article, because finally, although the author believes that the professor doubts this reason.




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