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关于”成长“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:grow up。以下是关于成长的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:grow up

Children's education is the future of a country, which determines the fate of a country. It has always been concerned by the public. Therefore, the environment is very important to them.

Most parents expect that the school can provide a good learning environment for their children, but ignore the importance of family education. School provides a stage for children to accept directly. In school education, teachers pass on Teach knowledge, teach them the correct values, children know their tasks, because people around them focus on learning, so they interact with each other, have a strong desire to learn.

Family education is easy to be ignored by most parents. They think that it is the teacher's responsibility to educate their children. In fact, most criminal teenagers have family problems.

Their parents do not set a good example for their children. Sometimes they are even troublemakers without love. Teenagers will not grow into strong people.

School and family environment are very important for children. They need to cultivate, set an example and learn To make use of.




2:,I like reading novels. They enrich my world and broaden my horizons. Most novels are about how children grow up.

They will experience many difficulties, overcome their fear, and eventually they will return to their homes and become a brave person. These stories tell me to overcome my weakness and make me a brave girl.




3:成长,High school seems to be a difficult period for most students, but for me, I don't feel too much pressure. Although I have so many subjects to study, I have to struggle for my future, consider making a lot of friends here, and we study together. This is a good time for me.

I not only gain knowledge, but when I look back on the friendship of these days, it will be I have a very unforgettable time, I feel so lucky, because there are not so many things bothering me in the process of growing up. I have a happy childhood. My parents have been taking care of me.

They have taught me a lot of important things. I have been learning. With the help of friends, I am excited about new knowledge.

I have overcome many problems and I have a good life.




标签: 大学 考研 作文 万能

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