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关于”你的看法“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:What do you think。以下是关于你的看法的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What do you think

Recently, whether students should be divided into science students and art students has aroused heated discussion among the public. Some people support this decision because students will have more time to focus on their favorite subjects, which leads to the improvement of learning efficiency. In addition, the pressure of study can be alleviated.

Other people oppose the former view. They think that only when students study science and art can they become comprehensive students and lay a solid foundation for my future study in University. I think that learning science and art may have more advantages than disadvantages.

Our more time and energy will benefit students in the long run.




2:你怎么认为,I think we need to live a more balanced life to keep healthy. Here are some suggestions for you. First of all, we should have a good eating habit.

We should eat more fruits and vegetables, less meat and junk food. Second, we should sleep well every night. Third, if we can do half an hour of exercise every day, we should exercise every day.

We can have A healthy life.



满分英语范文 if children are allowed to surf the Internet, many children will express their opinions online. What do you think? Tell us your opinion help: I think I believe I agree I don't think so

3:你的看法,My writing goal:

2、 (step by step): (answer these questions):

3、 do you often surf the Internet

4、 how long do you surf the Internet every day

5、 what do you often do online

your parents are satisfied with it

what do you do? Think about it

(step two): (write your answer in an article)

I don't find any problems I surf the internet almost every day, but I'm only online for one hour. I've learned a lot from the Internet.

I can also chat with my friends. Sometimes I send e-mails to my pen pals. My parents help me learn more about computers.

Some parents don't allow their children to go online. I think it's wrong. Parents should tell their children what's wrong and what's right On the Internet.






标签: 中考 高分 作文 看法

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