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关于”与朋友的相同点和不同点分两段“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The similarities and differences with friends are divided into two paragraphs。以下是关于与朋友的相同点和不同点分两段的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The similarities and differences with friends are divided into two paragraphs

I have a good friend. The biggest difference between us is that character. I am a very shy person.

In front of me, I will be very shy and seldom say a few words. He is a very lively and cheerful person. He is always humorous and funny in front of him.

He is always in a good mood because he can make you laugh from the beginning to the end. This is the difference of our personality However, in appearance, for example, I have a pair of big eyes, and he is the opposite of me. Compared with my eyes, he has a beautiful hair, but I don't.




2:,I have a lot of good friends and Lily is the best one we played together when we were little. She is a very beautiful girl. When people see her, they always pat her little head and say lily is brave too.

I remember one night two weeks ago, my mother asked me to go downstairs to buy some salt and sugar. When I went back to the dark stairs, I suddenly saw the shadow behind me. Was a ghost too scared.




3:与朋友的相同点和不同点分两段,Nowadays, more and more people, especially young people, like to drink coffee. But for me, I first like tea instead of coffee. I don't like the taste of coffee.

It's a little bitter, but the taste of tea is much better than coffee. Second, I think drinking too much coffee is not good for your health, it will make you nervous and nervous at last. I think tea is a symbol of Chinese history, so I like it Tea is better than coffee,.




标签: 初三 作文 满分 朋友

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