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关于”写生活“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Write life。以下是关于写生活的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write life

The man I know is my uncle. My uncle once liked to help others. I went to play with my classmates.

I saw my uncle holding an old woman. The old lady accidentally fell down. My uncle went to the grandmother and picked up the things on the ground and said thank you to the old lady.

The young uncle said no thank you. Another time I went to the park and saw my uncle holding a blind man, he crossed the road I will send you across the road, the blind man said yes, after crossing the road, thank you, uncle let him take you home, the blind said thank you for coming to the blind people, the blind said whether to eat here, uncle brother said no, this is my uncle, he likes to help others, I must want to learn from him.




2:,It can be seen from the above table that from to, people's living consumption in Xi'an city has undergone great changes, food consumption expenditure has decreased, while clothing and entertainment expenditure have increased respectively. The rise and fall statistics seem to exist in isolation, but they are closely related to the factors causing these changes. Economic development is an indispensable factor in five years, and the increase of income brought by economic growth is in the food price It plays an important role, so a small part of the total income is enough to cover the cost of food; another factor is that when food is no longer a concern, lifestyle changes, in general, people begin to focus on good looks and happy leisure time.

Spending on clothing and entertainment has increased year by year. From Joozone COM, we can draw a conclusion: from to, people's living standard in Xi'an city has been improving continuously. With the further economic growth and the change of life style, the trend shown in the table will continue.

In the past

20 years or so, our life will continue to develop in a better direction. Take my family as an example, my parents used to write to others Now we make long-distance calls at home. My parents used to listen to the radio for news and other information, but now we get news through watching TV.

Another major change is my living conditions. When I got married about

20 years ago, my parents lived in a small room full of furniture, but now we have moved into a new three bedroom grandfather In short, our life has become comfortable and convenient.



1、从Joozone com的上述分析可以得出结论:年至年,西安市人民生活水平不断提高随着经济的进一步增长和生活方式的改变,表中所示的趋势将继续在表中显示,在过去的xx年左右,我们的生活将继续朝着更好的方向发展,以我的家庭为例,我的父母过去主要是通过给别人写信来联系别人,而现在我们在家里打长途电话,曾经我父母听广播了解新闻和其他信息,但现在我们通过看电视得到新闻另一个重大变化是我的生活条件在大约xx年前结婚时,我父母住在一个小房间里,房间里挤满了家具,但现在我们搬进了一个新的三居室的大公寓,总之,我们的生活变得舒适和方便了。


3:写生活,Every season on Huangshan Mountain has its own beauty, but even so, due to the change of weather, the light and shadow will change day by day. Clouds will pass over the top of the mountain, even around you upstream. This endless change increases the wonders of the landscape.

To understand the mountain thoroughly, you need to visit Huangshan in four seasons. Huangshan in spring is like a girl, everything is New, April is a fresh spring, but when you climb the mountain, its start every meter will be delayed for three days. Therefore, when the wild flowers are in full bloom and the seedlings are sprouting under its feet, the plants on the hillside just wake up from hibernation, and the beauty is revealed after a week.

In this tranquility, birdsong is the most pleasant, and when you climb to the top of the mountain, you will be fascinated by the change of color. Spring may be the most favorable season to visit Huangshan Mountain. Because of the abundant rainfall, it is certainly the best time to see the numerous waterfalls.




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