
作者:用户投稿 阅读:370 点赞:0




A common idea of some people is that opportunities are rare. They always complain that opportunities never appear to them. They only appreciate those who seize the opportunity to succeed or succeed.

They always want to know why they don't have a good opportunity to show their talents. Another common view is that at any time and under any circumstances, anyone has a chance as long as If he / she works hard in his / her school days, you can reach the peak through your efforts as a businessman. You can succeed through accurate calculation.

I think the opportunity will only benefit those who keep trying and are ready. As the saying goes, "heaven helps self-help". Therefore, no matter whether we have the opportunity or not, we should learn, learn and become learned people So that you can seize the opportunity.




···I'm writing to tell you about our discussion about whether the school should organize a spring outing for students. The opinions on this issue are divided into the following parts: some students think that spring outings should be organized in schools. They think that spring outings can make them enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature, which can broaden their horizons.

They also say that the air in the open fields is fresher, which is of great benefit to our health. On the other hand, they don't like to go out for spring outings, and their time is very precious They should seize every minute of their time and study hard. If that happens, they will first increase their family burden.

No one can guarantee the safety of every student. You are the real Li Hua.




If you smoke and you still don't believe that there is a clear link between smoking and bronchial disease, heart disease and lung cancer, then you must be deceiving yourself. No one will accuse you of hypocrisy. Let's just say that you are suffering from the evil of wishful thinking.

It doesn't have to make you too uncomfortable, because when it comes to smoking and health, most governments don't hear evil, If you don't see evil, you don't smell, you have good friends. Without evil, you don't have to look too far to see why the official response to medical discoveries is so cold - the answer is simple: tobacco is a good tax commodity, almost like a tax on our daily bread, which is undoubtedly the most short-sighted policy you can imagine, and money is being collected eagerly, on the one hand, huge sums On the other hand, there is increasing spending on cancer research and efforts to treat people with the disease. In the long run, countless precious lives have been lost.

There is no doubt that everyone will get better if there is a total ban on smoking from the beginning. The government can start by banning all cigarettes and tobacco advertisements, and then carry out anti-smoking advertising campaigns. In all public places, such as theatres, no smoking, cinemas and restaurants should do their best to let young people know the terrible consequences of developing this habit.

A terrible warning says that every package Cigarettes should have a picture of death. Of course we are weak, but if the government acts honestly and bravely, they can protect us from harm.




标签: 英文 作文 真题 专业

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