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关于”我的优点和缺点“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My strengths and weaknesses。以下是关于我的优点和缺点的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My strengths and weaknesses

Sports are good for us in many aspects (no doubt, in basketball, volleyball, football and other collective sports, exercise can enhance our physical strength. While participating in sports competitions, we will learn the importance of cooperation. We will try our best to win competitions and stimulate our fighting spirit.

Sports can also help us to relax after a period of tiredness Matsushita, however, as the saying goes, "everything has two sides". Sports is no exception. If we are not careful when participating in sports activities, we may harm other athletes or ourselves.

Excessive or intense training will be harmful to our health. I take part in sports activities and tell me that sports can make us healthy physically and mentally. This is a good way for people to understand each other It can promote friendship between people.

As long as we are careful enough, sports can only be good for us.




Now many students go abroad to study. Some think it is a good thing, but others disagree. For me, there is a glimmer of hope for everything.

I prefer to go abroad. There are disadvantages of going abroad. First of all, students will encounter many psychological problems in the new environment.

They often feel lonely and helpless, and the tuition is very high, which is a heavy economic burden for ordinary people At the same time, we can cultivate their personality and knowledge. Since the reform and opening up, China has strengthened cooperation with many countries. As a result, the scientific and technological level of various countries has been improved rapidly.

Studying abroad can provide students with a good language environment and make it easier for them to master a language. Foreign language is a tool for mutual communication. It can eliminate language barriers and make international cooperation easier.

In short, studying abroad has more advantages than disadvantages. Studying abroad, we can learn a lot, this is a good opportunity to enrich ourselves.




Everyone knows that mobile phone plays an important role in our daily life, but in my opinion, mobile phone has its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, mobile phones enable people to keep in touch at all times, especially when they have important things. It reduces the cost of people not having to travel.

Second, we can send text messages on mobile phones for a small amount of money. Third, we can also play games, take pictures or listen to music on mobile phones. With the development of technology, we can do a lot of things on mobile phones, but there are also many disadvantages.

We have to pay for the wrong number, which is not suitable for us. Radio activities may be harmful to our health. Sometimes rings can affect other people's use of mobile phones in public or in meetings.




标签: 初三 高分 作文 缺点

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