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关于”你最喜欢的明星“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Your favorite star。以下是关于你最喜欢的明星的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Your favorite star

Jay Chou, born in Taiwan, is my favorite singer. He has written many popular songs and is deeply loved by teenagers. One of his famous songs "blue and white Ci" is my favorite because he works very hard.

In school, no matter how hard life is, he will not give up. He did not study hard, but he never gave up. He learned his favorite music and finally became a famous singer and a music producer.

Therefore, he was a young singer Jay Chou is a great singer, an excellent pianist and a talented composer from Taiwan. Some people compare him to Michael Jackson, the king of pop singers in the world. I have listened to his songs again and again, and I have never been tired of it.

I hope I can go to his concert because the media said that he is very talented on the stage recently I'm dating the most beautiful woman in Taiwan. I want to wish him good luck. I think he must be the happiest man in the world.




My favorite pop star is Jay Chou, born in Taipei, Taiwan, China. He is a singer, songwriter, actor, producer and director. As a singer, he is a real genius.

He can win more than awards every year. Until now, he played the first role in the film "first love", and won many world music awards in his first film "secret". He is the hero of the film.

Jay Chou is shooting the Green Hornet in Hollywood Hornet, the cover of the times, was interviewed by CNN in, because he was successful in many ways.


我最喜欢的流行歌星是周杰伦,出生于中国台湾台北,他是一个歌手,歌曲作家,演员,制片人和导演。作为一个歌手,他是一个真正的天才,他每年可以获得超过奖项,直到现在,他在电影《初恋》中扮演第一个角色,并在他执导的第一部电影《秘密》中,多次获得世界音乐奖他是该片的男主角,周杰伦正在好莱坞拍摄电影《青蜂侠》(the Green Hornet),他是《泰晤士报》的封面人物,年接受了CNN的采访,因为他在许多方面都取得了成功。


My favorite star, I have many idols in my heart, but Ke Zhendong is my favorite star. Ke Zhendong is a very popular actor in recent years. He is also a handsome man.

He was born in Penghu, Taiwan, which is a very beautiful place. In many songs, he plays the leading role. You are the apple of my eye.

In this film, he plays a man named Ke Jingteng who falls in love with ban Shen Jiayi, the best student in Shanghai, fell in love when they were young, and made a touching story. In July this year, he won the 9th Golden Horse Award for this film. Ke played a rich child in the film "childhood".

This is a popular novel adapted from Guo Jingming. His excellent performance once again won the unanimous consent of his fans. He has become a very good star in China.

I like Ke very much. How about you.




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