
作者:用户投稿 阅读:3 点赞:0


关于”与同学交往的建议“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Suggestions on communicating with students。以下是关于与同学交往的建议的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Suggestions on communicating with students

How do you get along with your classmates? I think this question is easy to answer. If you meet your friend, you can say "hello". Your friend must be very happy.

If your friend has a question, they will think you are a polite girl or boy, you should help them. They will thank you for your help. My classmates are very helpful and polite If my classmates have some problems, my classmates will help them solve them, so they are very excited that we can help each other and take care of each other.

I hope you can become a polite and helpful child. I hope you can get along well with all your classmates.




2:与学生沟通的建议,Recently, a little boy died of violence after his parents sent him to a private school. I was shocked by the news. The slogan of private schools is to help parents correct their children's bad behavior.

Many parents give up their children's education and choose to send their children here. The public accuses parents of failing to educate their children in the right way. Undoubtedly, the root cause of children's problems comes from families.

Many parents always force their children to do what they want to do and ignore their children's feelings, which will eventually go against the ideas of their elders. Parents' anger should be respected by the elders. Communication can solve the problem of children's love and understanding from their parents.

They will be good people.




3:与同学交往的建议,Everyone has to study. Going to school takes up a lot of people's time. Before they go to work, they need to study in Chinese schools.

The students work very hard. Because they have a lot of pressure, they have a lot of exams to take. So students are always immersed in books, but learning all the time is not good for students.

They need to go out of the classroom and breathe some fresh air The outside world is beautiful. They can play with their friends, watch movies, take a break once in a while. They can make their study better.

Students can have new ideas, so they won't fall into the unsolved problems that need to be combined with games.




标签: 初三 高分 作文 同学 建议

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