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Doing part-time job is very popular among college students. Whether this behavior is good or bad, some people think that it brings a lot of benefits to students. On the other hand, some people think that part-time work is not worth it.

Every coin has two sides. On the one hand, there are several reasons to support my view. Doing part-time work can make some money, make more new friends and gain some work experience However, the part-time job after school makes little money, but this money can reduce the family burden of students, or let them have enough money to spend more money to enjoy college life.

Doing part-time jobs in different places can contact different people, which will definitely make more new friends. Moreover, students can get some work experience from their part-time jobs, which is not good for their career after graduation; on the other hand, part-time jobs will occupy students' time, which is not conducive to the formation of team spirit. Everyone's energy is limited.

If students let part-time job share their time, their learning time will be reduced, which will affect their learning If students have time to go out to do part-time jobs, they will have less and less time to communicate with their classmates, which is not conducive to the formation of team spirit.




Harry, have you ever thought about what you're going to do in the future because my parents said I should make a choice, but I really don't know what career to choose. What kind of work would you like to do? If you've asked your parents for advice, would you like to follow them? We still have time. Let me know what you think.

Think about it, dear Harry. Thank you for writing to me. I want to tell you something about what I want to do in the future.

Well, I agree that it's hard to choose our future career because there are many different jobs, but I don't want to follow my parents' footsteps, because I'm not interested in their careers. I've asked my parents for advice. They think I have to choose my career according to my own preference, because I like to travel and I want to see the world, so I prefer to learn from them Tourism.





My view on TV has entered the new century. TV plays a very important role in people's daily life. Some people think it is a kind of happiness, while others think it is a curse of society.

Especially for teenagers, TV has both advantages and disadvantages. TV makes people realize that there are other things. Before the invention of TV, the world is changing and people use newspapers Paper and radio are used to spread news, but none of them is comparable to television.

If there is an earthquake elsewhere, we will know immediately that television also enriches our monotonous life. Television has always been a good thing for retired people, housewives or children who are having a summer vacation. Companies turn on TV so that people can enjoy the latest movies and programs without going to the cinema.

It also provides cooking, teaching, exercise and other professional programs. It teaches us knowledge and broadens our horizons. Just like a coin has two sides, television is no exception.

It can be harmful Yes. Some programs are so violent for teenagers that they don't see the fake ads full of midnight programs. Some people complain that TV takes up all their free time.

They don't even have time to go out to get together with their families or friends. Some people are so addicted to TV that they turn into potato sofa. Some people say that watching TV is a summary of wasting time.

We should have a correct attitude towards TV. We should use it properly and shorten our spending on TV Only in this way can we benefit a lot from it.





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