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关于”学生信用卡“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Student credit card。以下是关于学生信用卡的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Student credit card

If you have bad credit, you may want to use a guaranteed credit card to help you improve your credit score. In addition, a guaranteed credit card may be the only source for you to obtain a credit card. Some transactions require the use of a credit card.

This may include renting a car or booking a hotel (if you need it) transaction type and not getting an unsecured credit card, which may be the only way you can Get a real credit card what to look for in a secured credit card: interest rate: don't be fooled into thinking that because you don't have a credit history or bad credit report, you have to be content with high interest rates to make shopping a priority. Before you apply for a guaranteed credit card fee, you need to know the lowest interest rate: pay close attention to you or your account after opening an account Any fees charged, some companies will charge exorbitant fees, which will reduce your initial deposit before you use your credit card. Companies look for companies that don't have any fees, or those that charge only a small one-time fee to set up an account.

The annual fee for attractive security cards usually ranges from dollars: Unfortunately, there are companies out there who are doing things from others Some of the things they do during the credit crisis include promising you "quick access to credit cards" at a certain price. Another popular scam is to ask you to dial a phone number to get the "secret" of a credit card or credit card repair. Your phone company will charge you a lot for using a number, and you will never get the information you provide.

The best advice to avoid credit card fraud is, if that sounds too good to be true, use your common sense and don't be cheated by these scammers.




With the rapid development of economy, people's attitude towards life is also changing. At the same time, credit cards are becoming more and more popular. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of credit cards? First, it is quite convenient to use credit cards.

There is no cash stolen. Now people use cards instead of heavy ones. Second, credit cards represent great honor.

On the one hand, people who use credit cards show their special characters On the other hand, it has attracted people's attention that credit cards are not always so good. Credit cards can lead to overspending. Somehow, people pay more than they have, and then they are busy repaying money.

In my opinion, credit card cheating is more frequent. Credit card is good in our life, but we should use it carefully and only correctly Credit card can contribute to more convenient and safer life wealth.




Credit cards are a no fuss cash substitute, and they are also a useful tool in an emergency, but the advantages of credit cards are far more than convenient for you to get the maximum benefits from credit cards. Using it to keep abreast of the latest situation, your credit card can help you track your expenses, save your receipts and work with you if you find any errors, if your letter If your credit card or account number has been frozen, and your credit card issuer provides optional security alert, you will not be responsible for any fees, register and automatically notify your account of any abnormal activities Your credit card issuers check for damage protection. Some credit cards provide protection if the goods you buy are substandard.

Many credit card companies provide payment due date reminders to avoid late fees. Use it to build your credit history. One of the main advantages of a credit card is that it can produce a positive effect on your credit score when you use it wisely By using your credit card regularly and paying monthly payments on time, you can build a reliable credit record, tell potential lenders "you can trust me" to save money.

When you insist on paying your bills on time, you can use higher credit scores to boost your credit score. You may be eligible for low interest rate mortgages, cars and other big ones With your card, you can get a variety of rewards, including: cash back on daily consumption, including gas and daily necessities, air mileage, which can be used to exchange travel or purchase discount travel. Please use this mileage to keep calm when traveling.

Check to see if your credit card offers you these credit card advantages: trip cancellation delay insurance baggage loss insurance travel and emergency assistance follow these tips you can find the right credit card.




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