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关于”在你看来什么是健康的生活方式“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:In your opinion, what is a healthy lifestyle。以下是关于在你看来什么是健康的生活方式的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In your opinion, what is a healthy lifestyle

Chinese medicine believes that we need a balance of yin and yang to keep healthy. For example, you are often weak and tired. It may be that you have too much yin.

You should eat hot yang food, such as beer, dangsheng and Scutellaria baicalensis. But those who are too stressed and angry may have too much yang. They should eat more yin food, such as tofu.

Now it is very popular in many western countries because they easily have healthy eating habits, so they are balanced Diet is very important.




In this cartoon, we see a servant bring a cup of coffee to the emperor. The joke is that the emperor's ideas and coffee's ideas are usually not the same. It is interesting to think of the emperor drinking coffee, but the cartoon may have another meaning.

It implies that if he is still there today, learning to drink coffee modernization is a historical trend. China is a country with a long history and has special traditions and customs. It is a national treasure that we should try our best to preserve.

However, with the opening up of China, more and more people are learning to drink coffee More and more foreign ideas and products have entered China. How do we view the influence of the West and what kind of relationship should be established between the East and the west? For example, should we allow a coffee shop in the Forbidden City, which is considered to represent the essence of Oriental life, can the coffee shop be integrated into the surrounding environment, or from a perspective Look, I think we should be open to the influence of the West.




The definition of a healthy lifestyle includes a positive attitude to life, a balanced diet, and regular exercise, three to five times a week for at least 30 to 45 minutes each time. Regular social activities and regular physical examination. I want to add a wealth of personal knowledge to the list.

We are very busy every day. Students are faced with a mountain of homework and homework. Blue collar white-collar workers rush to work places and offices in traffic jams.

Unsolved problems, setbacks, new challenges and pressures become the first thing in the morning. We forget our human needs until the alarm of our biological clock is triggered, We finally realized that we should do more for ourselves earlier, because we ignored what our body told us, so we paid a higher price. It's not too late to start our plan.

We can't avoid daily problems, but we can change our way of thinking. We can take our daily work as physical exercise. For example, I spend hours a week cleaning my house.

I either turn on the music or sing aloud. I feel that I can finish my daily work more quickly in a happy mood. I take turns cleaning my bathroom walls with my arms.

I don't think I need to see an orthopedic doctor any more, because when I get to that age, my shoulders are frozen.





标签: 初二 作文 万能 方式 生活

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