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关于”延期的利弊“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of extension。以下是关于延期的利弊的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of extension

Computers are becoming more and more popular in people's daily life. The number of computers in each household exceeds the number of TV sets. Some people think that it is a gift given by God, but some people think that it brings more harm than advantages.

These two views are correct. But if we can use the computer correctly, its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I have several reasons: on the one hand, computers make human life It's easier for people to do a lot of things that they can't do, and then they can read newspapers instead of buying newspapers, just sit in front of the computer, click the mouse to open the website, shop online, watch movies, listen to music, play computer games are things people often use computers to do, but without computers, they can't easily do these things.

In addition, computers are also very helpful to study and work. On the other hand, people can have classes and work on computers. Computers have many attractive things.

Some people will be addicted. Some people may be busy looking for fun and ignore their real responsibilities, such as study and work. Therefore, this will have a great negative impact on their future.

In short, computers have their advantages and disadvantages, but if people can control themselves to use computers correctly, it will be useful for their whole life.





There are both advantages and disadvantages in using mobile phones. Some students are too devoted to mobile phones. They will do harm to their learning by playing games, texting and watching movies with mobile phones.

Mobile phones make our life more convenient. You can contact your friends, family members have mobile phones anytime and anywhere. Many people may be cheated by advertisements sent by mobile phones.

People can read news and order goods through mobile phones Criminals send false information to commit crimes.




The computer has brought more convenience, such as online access to information, publishing articles, watching movies, online distance virtual learning and other functions, which have brought a lot of benefits to it. It can also timely understand the latest weather information, news events and tourism information of the day, can also see the newspaper of the day, stocks can stay at home, shopping, entertainment, leisure, enjoy telemedicine and distance education The improper use of computers will affect the physical and mental health of teenagers who are addicted to the Internet world for a long time. You will not know how to communicate with the reality, resulting in the symptoms of network listlessness and physical discomfort.

Therefore, we give up our own study and work. When we use computers, we must reasonably surf the Internet and correctly use this kind of high-tech products so that we can provide better services.




标签: 初三 高分 作文 利弊

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