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Insects are the main group of arthropods, and also the most diverse animal group on earth. There are more than 1 million species described, more than half of all known organisms, and the estimated number of undescribed species is as high as one million. Therefore, insects can be found in almost all environments on earth, although only a few species appear in the ocean, and the ocean belongs to another arthropod Habitat, where crustaceans are about mantis, dragonflies, grasshoppers, true insects, flies, bees, wasps and ants, butterflies and moths, and beetles.

So far, estimates of the total number of extant species, including those not yet known to the scientific community, range from 2 million to 50 million. The latest research shows that adult modern insects are relatively small, about 600 They range in size from 1 mm cactus to 1 cm long stick insects (the heaviest recorded insect is g The giant Shiva of Oz, but other potential candidates include the giant beetle goliathus. Although no one can be sure which insect is really the heaviest, the study of insects (from Latin insects, meaning "cut into parts") is called Entomology, from Greek, which means "cut into sections.".


昆虫是节肢动物的主要类群,也是地球上种类最多的动物类群,有超过100万种被描述的物种超过所有已知生物的一半,未描述物种的估计高达百万种,因此,在地球上几乎所有的环境中都可以找到昆虫,尽管只有少数物种出现在海洋中,而海洋是另一个节肢动物的栖息地,那里的甲壳类动物大约有螳螂、蜻蜓、蚱蜢、真虫子,苍蝇,蜜蜂,黄蜂和蚂蚁,蝴蝶和蛾子,以及甲虫,到目前为止,对现存物种总数的估计,包括那些尚未被科学界所知的物种,从200万到5000万不等,最新的研究表明,成年现代昆虫的体型较低,约为600万到1000万只,其大小从1毫米长的仙人掌到1厘米长的棒状昆虫(有记载的最重的昆虫是g oz的巨型湿婆,但其他可能的候选者包括巨人甲虫Goliathus)虽然没有人能确定哪种昆虫是真正最重的,但对昆虫的研究(来自拉丁语昆虫,意思是“切割成部分”)被称为昆虫学,来自希腊语,也意味着“切成节”。


I like insects best. Cicada has two names, also known as cicada. Cicada is a common small animal in summer.

It has six legs. Its front foot is a curved sword. It can be used as its weapon.

Its wings are like a broken glass cicada. It is placed on the ground and drilled out after growing up. I heard that the cicada shell can be used as the juice of medicinal branches, as long as it has a hook on each foot I often catch cicadas with children.

When we come to the tree, there are many cicadas on the tree. When the wind blows, I catch a cicada in a big bottle, and then I put it into a bottle filled with water In the basin, it will climb into the water I think: it may want to drink water. It never thought that it could swim, it would dive, it would flap its small wings in the water, and then dive into the water.

In the water, it is water, making a lot of bubbles. I took it out of the water. It doesn't cry when I put it on the ground.

It's the same top rotation, wings open, singing happily.




Think twice before you swat a fly or squash a bug: a new study shows that insects contribute more than a billion dollars (billion euros) to the U.S. economy each year. Think twice before you swat a fly or squash a bug: a new study says that insects contribute more than a billion dollars (billion euros) a year to the U.S.

economy, which is a very conservative estimate John Losey, an associate professor of Entomology at Cornell University, who published the study in the current issue of Bioscience, said: "most insects tirelessly perform functions that improve our environment and lifestyle, and scientists are just beginning to understand these functions." The Xerces invertebrate conservation society in Portland, Oregon, has more than a million named insects, and possibly the same number of unidentified insects that make them the most abundant form of life on earth. The study focused on four special services provided by insects and what the cost would be if the insects disappeared: nutritious wildlife researchers looked at the annual cost of watching or hunting wild animals and how dependent they were on the food value of insects: billion dollars (billion euros of pest control insects often prey on other insects) and researchers looked at pests The amount of damage, if their predators disappear, the value of the damage: billion dollars (billion euro pollination researchers observed the value of insect free crops (excluding the value of crops pollinated by domesticated bees: 3 billion dollars (if not including dung beetles, 1 billion euro dung burial, the manure on grazing land will attract more flies and parasites, farmers must control To control these parasites, and dung beetles help to return nutrients to the soil without them, farmers will have to spend more on the value of fertilizer: million dollars (million euros) the study focused only on wild insects and did not calculate the value of commercially produced insect products, such as honey and silk Lawrence Abrahamson, who also thinks the $100 million (1 billion euro) figure is conservative, said: "most people feel sick when they think about insects, they think about mosquitoes and flies, and they don't realize that everything in life is affected by insects in some way.".


在拍苍蝇或压扁虫子之前要三思而后行:一项新的研究表明昆虫每年对美国经济的贡献超过亿美元(十亿欧元),在你拍苍蝇或压扁虫子之前要三思而后行:一项新的研究称,昆虫每年对美国经济的贡献超过亿美元(十亿欧元),这是一个非常保守的估计,主持这项研究的康奈尔大学昆虫学副教授约翰·洛西(john losey)在本期《生物科学》杂志上发表了这项研究,他说:“大多数昆虫不知疲倦地执行着改善我们环境和生活方式的功能,而科学家们才刚刚开始了解这些功能。”位于俄勒冈州波特兰市的xerces无脊椎动物保护协会有超过一百万种被命名的昆虫,并且可能有相同数量的未被确认的昆虫使它们成为地球上最丰富的生命形式。这项研究集中在昆虫提供的四种特殊服务上,以及如果昆虫消失的话,代价是什么:营养野生动物研究人员调查了每年观察或捕猎野生动物的花费,以及这些动物对昆虫的食物价值的依赖程度:亿美元(十亿欧元的虫害控制昆虫经常捕食其他昆虫研究人员观察害虫造成的损害量,如果它们的捕食者消失,将造成的损失价值:亿美元(十亿欧元授粉研究人员观察了无虫作物的价值(不包括由驯养蜜蜂授粉的作物价值:30亿美元(如果不包括粪甲虫,则为10亿欧元的粪葬,放牧地上的粪肥会吸引更多的苍蝇和寄生虫,农民必须控制这些寄生虫,而且粪甲虫有助于在没有它们的情况下将养分返回土壤,农民将不得不在肥料价值上花更多的钱:百万美元(百万欧元)这项研究只关注野生昆虫,没有计算商业化生产的昆虫产品的价值,比如蜂蜜和丝绸,纽约州立大学的昆虫学家劳伦斯·阿布拉罕森(lawrence abrahamson)也认为亿美元(10亿欧元)的数字是保守的他说:“大多数人想到昆虫就会感到恶心,想到蚊子和苍蝇,他们没有意识到生活中的一切都会以某种方式受到昆虫的影响。



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